[Abstract]:Culture is the source of a nation's survival and development. It has many aspects. On the one hand, it is manifested in different geographical position, and on the other hand, it is the inheritance and change of history and times. The research is about the regional culture. It selects the northeast people who come to Yunnan to study, and the relationship between sports consciousness and physical health of the people in the southwest of Yunnan to study, and how the various dimensions of sports consciousness affect students'physical health under the influence of cultural differences. On the basis of previous studies, this paper divides Yunnan university students into two parts: northeast and southwest, tests the physical health of college students in these two regions, and studies the results and looks at the body of some college students in different regions. The conclusions of this study are as follows: male and female students in southwest China are stronger than female students in cognitive sports, while students in southwest China are poorer in sports cognition than those in Northeast China. The students in the Northeast (Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang) have better sports motivation than those in the southwest. The students in the Northeast have better sports emotion than those in the southwest. There were significant gender differences in physical fitness. In general, students in the southwest were better than those in the Northeast in endurance, chin-up and sit-ups.
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