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发布时间:2018-08-23 20:27
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of social comparison, forgiveness and other variables on sports morality of juvenile athletes. On the basis of previous studies, this study takes Hubei Province team athletes, Wuhan Institute of physical Education team athletes, Wuhan Institute of physical Education college athletes as the research object, on the tendency of social comparison, the direction of social comparison, the social comparison gap. In order to enrich the relevant research in the field of sports morality and promote the development of sports moral theory, forgiving and other factors are carried out. The study came to the following conclusion: 1. Demographic variables have different effects on every dimension of adolescent's sports morality. The sample of different sex has significant difference in the dimension of instrumental aggression of sports morality, and the score of instrumental aggression of male is significantly lower than that of female. Sports years have a significant impact on the social norms of sports morality, respect for opponents, total score of sports morality, sports years of 2-4 years of young athletes significantly higher than the sports years of more than 6 years of athletes sports moral degree; There are significant differences in social norms, respect for opponents and total scores of sports morality between college athletes and provincial team athletes, the degree of sports morality of college students athletes is significantly higher than that of provincial team athletes, and the sports types respect their opponents to young athletes. The total score of sports morality was significantly affected by instrumental attack, and the degree of sports morality of non-confrontational athletes was significantly higher than that of antagonistic athletes. Social comparison tendency can positively predict social norm dimension, respect opponent dimension score, negative prediction tool attack dimension score; social comparison direction has significant influence on respect opponent, sports morality total score; in respect opponent dimension, The score of the athletes without social comparison group was significantly higher than that of the uplink social comparison group, and the score of the athletes without social comparison group was significantly higher than that of the uplink social comparison group in the total score of sports morality. In the social comparison, the difference between the individual and the comparative object has a significant impact on the social norms, respect for opponents, and the total score of sports morality, while in the social norm dimension, the scores of the large group with individual difference are significantly higher than those of the group of no comparison. In respect of opponent dimension, the score of non-social comparison group was significantly higher than that of equal group and gap group, and the score of no social comparison group was significantly higher than that of no social comparison group. Forgiving others can positively predict social norm dimension, rule judgment, respect opponent dimension and total score of sports morality; in comparison situation, forgiveness others can positively predict rule judgment, instrumental aggression and total score of sports morality. The interaction between social comparison tendency and forgiving others variable on instrumental aggression dimension was significant, and forgiveness others could adjust the predictive effect of social comparison tendency on instrumental aggression; The interaction between social comparative direction and forgiveness variables was significant in respect of opponent dimension. Forgiveness could adjust the influence of social comparative direction on respect for opponent dimension of juvenile athletes.


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