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发布时间:2018-08-31 17:48
[Abstract]:Objective: the purpose of this study was to explore the scientific, safety, practicability and effectiveness of individualized low-intensity exercise program for the elderly by comparing the changes of physical strength and nervous system function before and after intervention. The evaluation of nervous system function is applied to the physical activities of the elderly, which provides an effective physiological basis for the fitness program, and provides the basis for broadening the fitness methods of the elderly. Methods: a three-month individualized program of activities was designed and implemented with 41 elderly people in Huhehaote District of Huhehaote City as the research objects, and combined with investigation visits and basic body function tests, and a three-month program of individualized activities was designed and implemented in Huhehaote District, Huhehaote City. Heart rate of OMEGAWAVE system was used as activity intensity of old people. Heart rate variability (HRV) was analyzed in time domain and frequency domain by measuring heart system function index before and after intervention. The changes of nervous system function of the elderly before and after exercise intervention were evaluated by measuring the values of (OP) and response time index of brain voltage after stress stimulation. Results: after 3 months of intervention, it was found that the physical indexes of the elderly were significantly improved, and the number of patients with benign changes in the heart system was increased, among which the number of autonomic nerves reaching the standard was the most obvious. After intervention, the mean of quiet heart rate decreased significantly, the time domain index and frequency domain index showed benign changes, and the number of SDNN increased significantly. In autonomic nerve balance, the number of vagus dominant increased significantly. The mean increase rate of TP reached 39.49% and LF / HF decreased to 1.45, and the index of autonomic nerve balance state increased significantly. There were significant differences in the number of people who could withstand the exercise load of central nervous system, the changes of the number of persons in the regulating capacity of the cardiopulmonary gas exchange system and the number of people in the regulation of the endocrine axis of the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal axis. The changes of the regulating capacity of liver detoxification system showed significant difference. Before and after intervention, the average reaction time decreased significantly, from 0.188s before intervention to 0.166s, and there was significant difference in the functional index of sensorimotor nervous system before and after intervention, from 4.376 before intervention to 4.541. Conclusion: three months of individualized low-intensity exercise can enhance the function of cardiac system and increase the tension of autonomic nerve and vagus nerve after intervention. The balance of vagus nerve and sympathetic nerve reached a new dynamic balance, but the whole function level was improved. This new balance is based on the benign change of visceral function. The change of op value reflects the regulation ability of central nervous system stress. The ability to withstand exercise load, to regulate the excitability of the central nervous system, to regulate the cardiopulmonary gas exchange system, and to regulate the liver detoxification function were all increased, and the response time was also increased. The functional level and health status of each neuroregulatory system were significantly improved. The results showed that the elderly engaged in individualized and low-intensity fitness activities were beneficial to promote the benign changes of central nervous and autonomic nervous regulation function of the elderly, and the intervention effect was obvious, and it had certain value of popularizing and implementing.


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