[Abstract]:Objective: To explore whether the biofeedback training can improve the mental abilities of young shooters, such as emotional stability, concentration, relaxation and adjustment, and the effect on shooters'performance by using SPCS system. 20 male athletes were randomly divided into control group and experimental group A, experimental group B. Using self-generated Physiological Coherence System (SPCS) developed by Beijing Haofeng Digital Technology Co., Ltd., the experimental group athletes were trained by biofeedback, and the heart rate variability (HRV) was tested. Taking HRV TP value, VLF value, LF value, HF value, LF/HF value, M-HRT value, SDNN value, PN50 value eight secondary indexes to analyze the athletes'HRV, and the changes of athletes' competition results before and after training were analyzed. The experimental group A and experimental group B athletes VLF values are lower than the control group athletes, the difference is significant (p0.05). 3. The experimental group A athletes LF value is higher than the control group, there is no statistical significance; experimental group B athletes LF value is higher than the control group; experimental group B athletes LF value is higher than the control group; experimental group B athletes LF value is higher; experimental group B athletes LF value is higher than the control group. In the control group, the difference was significant (p0.05). 4. After biofeedback training, the HF values of athletes in the two experimental groups were higher than those in the control group, the difference was highly significant (P 0.01). 5. The LF / HF values of athletes in experimental group A were lower than those in the control group, the difference was significant (p 0.05); the LF / HF values of athletes in experimental group B were lower than those in the control group, but there was no significant difference. The LF / HF value of athletes in experimental group A was lower than that of athletes in experimental group B, the difference was significant (p0.05). 6. There was no difference in the M-HRT value of all athletes before and after biofeedback training. 7. The SDN value of athletes in experimental group A was higher than that of the control group, the difference was significant (p0.05); the SDN value of athletes in experimental group B was also higher than that of the control group (p0.05). Athletes, there is no statistical significance; experimental group A athletes'SNN value is higher than experimental group B, the difference is significant (p0.05). 8. After the experiment, the two experimental groups of athletes PN50 value is slightly lower than the control group, no statistical significance, compared with the experimental group athletes PN50 showed a downward trend. 9. Experimental group A athletes' psychological coordination score is higher than the control group. There was a significant difference between the control group and the experimental group (P 0.05); the experimental group B athletes'psychological coordination score was higher than the control group athletes, the difference was significant (P 0.01). 10. Compared with the results before biofeedback training, the experimental group A athletes' performance improved, the difference was significant (P 0.05); Improvement, the difference was highly significant (p0.01); after training, the athletes in the control group improved, there was no statistical significance; after training, the athletes in the experimental group A were higher than the control group, the difference was significant (p0.05), the experimental group B athletes were higher than the control group, the difference was highly significant (p0.01). After the SPCS-based biofeedback training, the heart rate variability (HRV) of young shooters increases, and their mental relaxation ability strengthens. 2. After the SPCS-based biofeedback training, the young shooters can consciously control and reduce the activity of sympathetic nervous system and the balance of sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system. 3. After the SPCS-based biofeedback training, the juvenile shooters'dual control ability to the autonomic nervous system is enhanced, that is, the athletes' psychological stability is enhanced. 4. Through the combination of biofeedback training and technical and tactical training, the juvenile shooters can compete successfully. At the same time, athletes play more stably. 5. Improving the stress environment of biofeedback training has little effect on the effect of biofeedback training.
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