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发布时间:2018-09-05 08:11
【摘要】:研究目的: 研究表明国内外老年人机体功能存在一定提高和改善的可能性,随着我国老龄化加剧,加之老年健身运动仍处于初始阶段,使得老年人改善、加强自身机能以及健身锻炼问题变得迫在眉睫。基于此,本研究通过日常身体活动监控方法,提高中老年人健康意识,预防慢性疾病发生率,进行国际比较和交流,验证监控方法的有效性,为促进日常活动、提高健康水平;通过运动行为干预、健康教育等适宜技术的开发试点,有助于进一步了解运动监控和个性化的干预措施是否能够有效促进健康,将有助于2型糖尿病、心脑血管疾病等慢性病的早期预防。研究方法: 研究对象为中日60-69岁女性各15位,平均年龄63.15±2.62岁,经医院检测无严重慢性疾病,可参与实践活的社区居民。干预前受试者佩戴三维加速器进行1周身体活动量检测,了解受试者身体活动基线情况;干预过程,受试者连续佩戴三维加速器进行12周的身体活动量跟踪记录,每两周上传一次身体活动量数据,并反馈给受试者。干预期间,要求受试者身体活动量目标在基线水平上提升20%,每天完成10分钟室内健身操和连续10分钟步行,同时综合运用健康教育、与国际同龄人互动、设立奖励机制等方法。干预结束后一年,受试者再次佩戴三维加速器进行1周身体活动量的跟踪记录并分析。受试者按研究要求实施,在干预前、后均进行定性调查(问卷调查)包括IPAQ短卷、基本信息调查与生活方式问卷调查,以了解家庭基本情况、身体健康状况、饮食与运动习惯和对于新运动干预方式的理解;定量测试包括身高、体重、BMI、体脂率、肌肉量、血压、安静脉搏、腰围、单脚闭眼站立、握力、坐位体前屈、5m通常步行时间、5m最大步行时间、10回椅子起坐时间、TUG等项目。同时,收集中国受试者干预前和干预后临近时间的血液检测指标:空腹血糖、餐后2小时血糖、糖化血红蛋白、胆固醇、甘油三酯、高密度脂蛋白和低密度脂蛋白。对受试者干预前、干预后、干预后一年的身体活动量数据以及体质健康指标、健康生活方式等进行统计分析,检验日常身体活动监控方法的有效性。研究结果: 1.身体活动干预以后,受试者日均步行量比干预前提高了20%,且在结束后一年仍保持在干预期间的90%以上;且干预后,步行能量消耗百分比37.04%增至66.92%,中高强度步行能量消耗增幅为142.49%,远高于中高强度生活活动、低强度能量消耗;2.对比干预前后体质测试数据,显示中国受试者体水分率、肌肉量、日本受试者体水分率均有所增加,有改善趋势但无统计学意义,其他指标变化无显著性变化;干预后,中国受试者各项能力均有改善,其中坐位体前屈、TUG测试、5m最快速度步行时间有显著性改善(p0.01);日本受试者的握力及坐位体前屈稍有下降,其他各项能力均有所改善,其中TUG测试有显著性提升(p0.01)。3.身体活动干预后,中国受试者的空腹血糖、胆固醇、甘油三酯和低密度脂蛋白有显著性下降(p0.05),其他指标变化较小;4.身体活动干预后,中国受试者饮酒、对饮食的注意程度、主观健康评价及对运动的注意程度均有所提升,但日本受试者变化较小,整体情况生活方式方面有所改善运动干预后;中日受试者运动时的主观感觉整体呈现变优趋势;受试者在下雪或下雨天气下运动的信心增加较多,由19.23%增至53.85%。结论: 1.老年女性对身体活动干预方法接受度高,12周干预过程顺利,干预后有效提高了受试者身体活动量,特别对提高中等强度以上身体活动量有积极作用;2.受试者生活方式和运动习惯的养成起到了积极的影响作用,干预结束1年后,中国受试者仍保持较高的身体活动量水平;3.采用日常身体活动监控手段促进了老年女性体脂率、体水分率、肌肉量等身体成分的改善,提高了老年女性步行能力和柔韧素质;4.老年女性保持适量的身体活动水平,有助于降低中国老年女性的血糖、胆固醇、甘油三酯、低密度脂蛋白水平,对预防和减缓慢行疾病具有重要意义。
[Abstract]:Research purposes: The study shows that there is a possibility of improving the body function of the elderly both at home and abroad. With the aging of our country becoming more and more serious, and the old people's fitness exercise is still in the initial stage, it is urgent for the elderly to improve, strengthen their own functions and exercise. Controlling methods, improving health awareness of middle-aged and elderly people, preventing the incidence of chronic diseases, conducting international comparisons and exchanges, verifying the effectiveness of monitoring methods, in order to promote daily activities, improve health standards; through the development of appropriate techniques such as sports behavior intervention, health education pilot, help to further understand the sports monitoring and personalized intervention measures. Methods: Fifteen women aged 60-69 in China and Japan, with an average age of 63.15 [2.62], could participate in the early prevention of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. During the intervention, participants were asked to wear a three-dimensional accelerator for 12 weeks to track their physical activity, uploading the data of physical activity every two weeks and feeding it back to the subjects. One year after the intervention, the participants wore a three-dimensional accelerator again to track and analyze the amount of physical activity for one week. The participants performed the exercise according to the requirements of the study. Qualitative surveys (questionnaires) including short IPAQ, basic information and lifestyle questionnaires were conducted before and after the preparation to understand the basic family conditions, physical health, diet and exercise habits, and understanding of new exercise interventions; quantitative tests included height, weight, BMI, body fat rate, muscle mass, blood pressure, quiet pulse, waist circumference. Station with one foot closed eyes, grip strength, sitting position flexion, 5 m normal walking time, 5 m maximum walking time, 10 chair sitting time, TUG and other items. The results showed that: 1. After physical activity intervention, the average daily walking volume of the subjects was 20% higher than that before intervention. After the intervention, the percentage of walking energy expenditure increased from 37.04% to 66.92%, and the percentage of walking energy expenditure increased from 142.49% to 142.49%, which was much higher than that of high-intensity activities and low-intensity energy expenditure. Among them, sitting body flexion, TUG test, the quickest walking time of 5 m were significantly improved (p0.01), grip strength and sitting body flexion of Japanese subjects were significantly improved (p0.01). After physical activity intervention, fasting blood glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride and low density lipoprotein in Chinese subjects decreased significantly (p0.05), other indicators changed slightly; 4. After physical activity intervention, Chinese subjects drank alcohol and injected diet. Meaning, subjective health assessment and attention to exercise all improved, but Japanese subjects changed little, and the overall situation and lifestyle improved after exercise intervention; Chinese and Japanese subjects showed an overall trend of improvement in subjective perception of exercise; subjects in snow or rainy weather exercise confidence increased more, from 19.23%. Conclusion: 1. Elderly women have a high acceptance of physical activity intervention methods, and the 12-week intervention process is smooth. After the intervention, the amount of physical activity of the subjects is effectively increased, especially the amount of physical activity above moderate intensity. 2. The lifestyle and exercise habits of the subjects play a positive role in the formation of intervention. After one year, the Chinese subjects still maintained a high level of physical activity; 3. The daily physical activity monitoring method promoted the improvement of body fat rate, body moisture rate, muscle mass and other body components of the elderly women, and improved the walking ability and flexibility of the elderly women; 4. The elderly women maintained a moderate level of physical activity, which helped to reduce the moderate. Blood glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, and low density lipoprotein levels in elderly Chinese women are of great significance in preventing and reducing slow-moving diseases.


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