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发布时间:2018-09-05 08:40
[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to study the present situation of basketball culture in undergraduate colleges and universities in Urumqi, and apply the methods of literature, investigation, interview, mathematical statistics to Xinjiang University, Xinjiang normal University, Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, Xinjiang Medical University. The present situation of campus basketball culture in Xinjiang Agricultural University was studied, and the Han nationality male, the Han nationality female, the minority male and the minority female were sampled and compared in five universities. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the five colleges and universities do not have their own unique basketball spiritual culture symbol, basketball teachers and students have a large gap in the level of cognition of basketball culture, and the campus basketball spiritual culture is relatively backward. (2) the campus basketball system culture. The system is relatively sound, the campus basketball work is generally carried out well. (3) the campus basketball area is sufficient, basketball facilities are complete, basketball funds are moderate, and the material and cultural development of campus basketball is better. But the outdoor field is dilapidated, the indoor court resources are tight in winter, the basketball books update frequency is too slow to be solved. (4) among the five college students, basketball consumption behavior is common. The participation behavior of campus basketball is influenced by personal preference and restricted by the material basis of campus basketball. The behavior culture of campus basketball has obvious seasonal difference. (5) male students love basketball more than girls, basketball consumption is more, participation in basketball is more frequent, and each time is longer. In the same gender, minority students love basketball more than Han students, spend more basketball, participate in basketball more frequently, and take longer time each time. And put forward the following countermeasures to promote the better and faster development of college basketball in Urumqi. (1) spiritual and cultural aspects: use of campus Weibo, WeChat public number to promote basketball information, Conditions allow more to hold similar to the "CBA Flying Tiger Star into the campus" activities. Design campus basketball slogan, or basketball cartoon design and other basketball logo. (2) system culture: increase basketball teachers, basketball coaches to continue training and learning opportunities, (3) material and cultural aspects: renovating outdoor court, opening indoor stadium, building a simple indoor plastic ball hall, paying for the outside open after class, raising the income and serving the society. Update basketball books in time. (4) behavior culture: more basketball games to promote girls and basketball students can participate in basketball.


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