[Abstract]:By using the methods of literature, expert interview, mathematical statistics, video observation and so on, the present situation and trend of the world women's floor exercise in the Rio Olympic Games cycle are taken as the research object. Refer to the changes in gymnastics rules of the International Gymnastics Federation during the three Olympic cycles from 2005 to 2016. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the changing characteristics of women's floor exercises, and to discuss the development situation of women's floor exercises in the world, the present situation of women's floor exercises in China and the gap between them and the advanced level of the world. The results are as follows: (1) in the Rio Olympic Games, the female floor gymnastics develops towards the direction of high difficulty compound axis somersault, and the types of the somersault skills are diversified. The excellent foreign women floor gymnasts not only have the highly difficult somersault skills in their complete sets of movements, There is also a great progress in the difficulty of Chinese women's floor exercises, but there is still a certain gap between the diversity and quality of movement arrangement and the quality of foreign excellent athletes. And there are some problems such as lack of comprehensive development of complete set movement type and lack of movement completion. 3) the difficulty movement of dance lags behind the advanced level of foreign countries and needs to fully understand the rules so as to improve the completion score of athletes.
【作者单位】: 广州体育学院;
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