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发布时间:2018-10-12 18:01
[Abstract]:When a familiar name comes in, his brain looks like him. The image presented in the category of psychology is called psychological representation. On this basis, this image can be rotated, which psychologists call psychological rotation. Orienteering is a movement completed by participants with the help of a North Needle and a directional cross-country map, which cannot be separated from the map, and the orienteering cross-country map is one of the map products. With the maturity of cognitive psychology, people tend to study the cognitive process from the perspective of information editing. Orienteering cross-country sports should be said to be the athletes from the situation in the space to obtain information, and the information obtained by the analysis, processing, so as to effectively achieve the purpose of solving the problem. In this study, the mental rotation ability of the subjects was tested by a formative, professional mental rotation set test, and the mental rotation ability was trained according to the results of the test by using the computer to carry out quick and accurate data analysis. Then test the effect of reaction training. Through a series of tests and training to find effective training methods to improve the mental rotation ability of orienteering cross-country athletes and shorten the time of map recognition in orienteering cross-country competitions. The mental rotation ability of college students was also analyzed by the mental rotation ability test, so as to provide the basis for the selection and training of orienteering cross-country athletes, and to give play to the value and significance of this study. In this study, subjects with cross-country orienteering experience (those who had overtaken orienteering courses and passed examinations) were selected for the test. The following procedures are performed when selecting the experimental object: first, Among the 168 students who passed the course of orienteering in 2014 of physical Education College of Shandong normal University and volunteered to take part in the test, the subjects with corrected visual acuity of 5.0 and no color blindness were selected. Then, 20 boys and 20 girls were randomly selected into two groups, 10 boys and 10 girls in each group, one group was the experimental group and the other group was the control group. No color blindness, no disability, no color weakness and no history of psychosis. After the above process, the experimental group was determined to be 20 students (10 males, 10 males) who took the orienteering course and passed the examination in the physical Education College of Shandong normal University, Grade 2014. The control group consisted of 20 students (10 males and 10 females) who took orienteering course and passed the examination in 2014 P. E. major of Shandong normal University. The subjects of the two groups were tested successively, including mental rotation ability test (pre-test), E-prime software test on reaction time (pre-test), park orientation cross-country test (pre-test) and psychological rotation ability of experimental group trained by educational games. The mental rotation ability test (post-test), E-prime software test (post-test), park orientation cross-country test (post-test) were carried out. In this study, the experimental results are statistically analyzed and processed, and the conclusions are as follows: 1. There were some differences in mental rotation ability of students of different genders among randomly selected college students with cross-country learning experience, and the mental rotation ability of male students was better than that of female students. 2. The ability of mental rotation has obvious influence on the reaction time of reading orienteering map. The stronger the ability of mental rotation is, the shorter the time of recognizing map is. The mental rotation ability has the positive influence on the orienteering off-road performance. 4. The educational game (point general) has an effect on the mental rotation ability of the trainer, and the training of the educational game will help to improve the mental rotation ability of the trainer.


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