我国优秀48 kg女子摔跤运动员孙亚楠里约奥运会赛前训练特征研究
[Abstract]:By using the methods of literature, expert interview, mathematical statistics, field tracking and index testing, the training time and training stage of the excellent 48kg wrestler Sun Yannan during the preparation for the Rio Olympic Games were divided. The training contents and methods, training load and some physiological and biochemical indexes were analyzed and studied. The results show that: 1) the training time is 10 weeks, the training time is 9 weeks, and the adjustment is 1 week. 46.7, 88 technical and tactical courses (53.3%), the physical ability of the training methods are mainly repeated and cyclic training, the techniques and tactics are mainly by the complete training method and the simulation competition method. The maximal concentration of CK,BUN and blood lactic acid showed that the peak concentration of CK,BUN and blood lactic acid reached the ideal state before the match. 2) the values of CK and BUN in the second week, the third week and the first half of the fourth week of Sun Yannan showed a high trend. The body is still tired, unable to adapt to the intensity of weekly training arrangements. Conclusion: 1) Sun Yannan had reasonable pre-competition training arrangement and completed the goals and tasks, 2) the actual training effect was not good in the second week, the third week and the first half of the 4th week before the competition, and the body could not adapt to the training intensity arrangement. It may be related to the arrangement of the proportion of aerobic and anaerobic training in the content of pre-competition training and the control of the intensity of aerobic and anaerobic training in pre-competition training methods.
【作者单位】: 北京体育大学;辽宁省体育局;
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