[Abstract]:The Chinese Men's Basketball Professional League is one of the most standardized professional leagues in China at present, and it is also the highest level basketball league in Asia. The top contenders Liaoning and Sichuan in the 2015-2016 season not only represent the highest level of the secondary vocational basketball league, It can also reflect the development characteristics of teams in different team building modes, the competitive characteristics and team development of current secondary vocational basketball league, and the advantages and disadvantages of domestic players training, which is representative and research significance. Based on the statistics and analysis of attack and defense technical index data of Liaoning team and Sichuan team in all playoffs, the paper finds out the respective advantages and defects of the two teams, and finds out the gap between domestic players and foreign players in the application of technology. Then it provides theoretical reference and advice for the teams in the secondary vocational basketball league in their daily technical training and match plan arrangement, and provides reasonable methods for the league clubs in team building and player training, so that the team can be introduced. The use of foreign aid and training of domestic athletes to achieve balanced development, improve the overall level of our men's basketball. Using literature, video observation, mathematical statistics, expert interviews, shooting, assists, offensive rebounds, errors, defensive rebounds, steals, blocked shots, Fouls 8 technical indicators data for detailed statistics and analysis. Focusing on the two teams of domestic players and foreign players in the five Finals, the ability to use offensive and defense technology, as well as the effect of the two teams in different positions on the performance and defense technology application were compared and analyzed. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the shooting rate of Liaoning 2 and 3 is lower than that of Shikawa, and the effect of shooting technique is poor. Sichuan team has obvious advantages in the inside line, the effect of rebounding technology is better, the average number of offensive rebounds and defensive rebounds are higher than that of Liaoning. (2) Liaoning mainly points in the position of guard. The Sichuan team mainly takes the forward, the center position the inside line score primarily, relies on the foreign aid score. (3) Liaoning team domestic player present points, the offensive backboard, the defense backboard, the assistant attack, the steals, the block shot aspect contribution is higher than the foreign player. The foreign players of Sichuan team have much better shooting ability than domestic players, and the technical application effects of attacking rebounds, defensive rebounds and assists are all stronger than those of domestic players. The domestic players of Liaoning team contributed more to the team than the domestic players of Sichuan team. (4) the EEF individual efficiency of the foreign players of the two teams was higher than that of the domestic players of the two teams. The two teams of foreign players in the highest individual efficiency is Sikawa foreign aid Hadadi. Hadadi has absolute height and internal dominance, in shooting, passing, rebounding technology application than team Liaoning's internal players have a clear advantage. The Sichuan team has an absolute advantage in the number of foreign aid users and the use of time, in the guard, forward and center positions have foreign aid can be used, tactical options are more diversified.
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