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发布时间:2018-10-22 10:20
[Abstract]:Gymnastics is an ancient sport, but also plays a great role in promoting the development of its various sports. Under the background that the development of China's gymnastics industry falls into a trough, the development of China's gymnastics industry needs more specialized gymnastics talents to contribute to the development of the Chinese gymnastics industry. What kind of specialized gymnastics talents are needed for the development of social gymnastics, competitive gymnastics and school gymnastics, and whether the professional ability of the current master's of gymnastics students can meet the needs of the required professional talents, At present, what problems exist in the present professional ability of Gymnastics Master students and what are the deficiencies in the way of promotion? these problems are worthy of our consideration. Based on the investigation of the present situation of Gymnastics Master students, this paper analyzes the deficiency of the present Gymnastics Master's professional ability in gymnastics, and analyzes the causes of the problems and finally comes up with the solving measures. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The main problems in the present professional ability of gymnastic master students in physical education colleges are the general degree of the knowledge of gymnastics theory, the skill level of gymnastics special instruments, the ability of gymnastics scientific research, the level of gymnastics teaching ability and the ability of gymnastics judgment. Can not meet the needs of gymnastics teaching, sports training and gymnastics research, need to accept comprehensive and systematic training and learning. 2. The main factors that affect the professional ability of gymnastic master students in current sports colleges are as follows: the development of gymnastics in our country has obvious regional imbalance, which has affected the development of gymnastics in local schools, and the leaders of each physical education college attach less importance to gymnastics projects. The fund investment is low, the gymnastics activity is too little; the aging of the master tutor of gymnastics seriously affects the improvement of the specialized equipment level of the master of gymnastics; the gymnastics master students themselves do not pay enough attention to the gymnastics theory and the gymnastics scientific research ability. Lack of interest in learning. The understanding of the special equipment gymnastics technique movement is not deep, the training effect is not ideal. Relevant recommendations: 1. Improve the understanding of gymnastic events among the leaders of physical education colleges and universities, strengthen the degree of attention, and increase the corresponding capital input. 2. 2. Optimize the postgraduate curriculum, increase the specialized technical ability of graduate students in special fields. 3. 3. Organizing the Gymnastics Master students interest Group, through the tutors guidance and independent learning, to solve the current Gymnastics Master students' gymnastics theory knowledge, special sports skills, teaching ability, referee theory knowledge of these aspects. 4. Visit the national team or local professional team regularly to study the relevant training methods and broaden your horizons. To solve the current Gymnastics Master's lack of access to professional gymnastics training content, and competitive gymnastics out of line with the dilemma. Thus improving their ability to provide scientific research support for the development of Chinese competitive gymnastics. 5. 5. Regular organization of national and local gymnastics league of college students, increase the practice ability of gymnastics master students, improve their special equipment gymnastics sports skills level. 6. 6. In order to improve the attention and enthusiasm of the current Gymnastics Master students to the hot fields of scientific research, regular academic seminars on the hot direction of gymnastics research will be held in order to raise the attention of the current Gymnastics Master students to the hot fields of scientific research.


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