[Abstract]:This paper uses literature, video observation, mathematical statistics, expert interviews, comparative analysis, The technical characteristics used by the world's top women's singles tennis players in the 2010, 2012, 2014 Australian Open and US Open semifinals and final 18 matches were studied. Statistics the technical data used by each player in each competition. For example: forehand, backhand, serve, volley, receiving and other techniques in the use of the frequency of the game and the position in the game. Then, the paper sums up and combs the score of each technique in their competition, analyzes and studies these systematic data in depth, and explores the characteristics of the world's outstanding women's singles technique in the course of the competition. The general law of the development of women's professional tennis technology is obtained. Through the above several methods, the development trend and characteristics of professional women's tennis in the world are obtained. 1) the ball speed of professional women tennis players in the competition is gradually quickening, and the rhythm of the match is becoming more and more intense. With the continuous improvement of technology, the landing point of the serve becomes more accurate. 2) the reasonable training step makes the batting skill more skillful and stable when the player moves, the number of each turn increases and the competition becomes more intense and appreciative. Athletes are becoming more and more capable of completing their movements and have a higher pursuit of tennis skills. 3) Today's professional women's tennis matches tend to be more masculine, especially the confrontation of the baseline forehand and backhand techniques, with more rounds and larger angles. Strong control of the ball. 4) Women players in the game in the service errors in the gradual reduction, It has evolved from defensive to offensive. 5) physical reserve is the key to winning the game for every athlete. 6) the odds of winning the championship of professional women tennis in the world are different from those of men. Most of the top four men in the world won the title, while the difference between women's skill level was small, and the competition for the title was even fiercer. All the top eight players in the world had the chance to win the tennis championship. Second, the woman's movement and swing speed is relatively slow, can clearly see the use of technical details. In learning tennis, we should not only have good physical reserve, but also pay attention to scientific, reasonable and complete tennis skills. Learn the essence of tennis, lay a good foundation, in the future when the use of technology and tactics can be faster, more fluid, more change. Complete and smooth technical action in the course of later exercise will reduce the damage to the body and prolong the life of the movement.
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