[Abstract]:In tennis with rich and varied movement skills, the cooperative participation of both limbs is of great significance to the completion of any technical action. In the training experience of basketball, shot put, shuttlecock and so on, it has been concluded that when one side of the body acquires a motor skill, the contralateral limb will become relaxed and quick in mastering this skill accordingly. This phenomenon is the phenomenon of bilateral migration of motor skills. In tennis, the research on this phenomenon is rare, especially in the field of weak side stroke training, and is limited to the supplementary weak side hand training for the objects with certain foundation. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to design a new tennis teaching method based on the theory of bilateral transfer of motor skills, and to provide reference for teachers and coaches engaged in teaching and training of tennis beginners. Using the methods of literature, experiment and so on, the study took the students who had no tennis learning experience as the object of investigation. The training of the experimental group was based on the premise of telling the students to forget the concept of the handheld. The training time of both the non-hand side and the hand side was half of the whole training time, and the training content and progress of the experimental group were the same as those of the control group. 32 hours later, the positive and backhand batting depth tests were carried out in the experimental group and the control group, respectively. After getting the results of the two groups, using the statistical method of independent sample t test, the differences of tennis skill acquisition level between the experimental group and the control group were analyzed, and the following conclusions were obtained: 1. The bilateral transfer teaching method which is mainly involved in the simultaneous learning of both hands plays a positive role in the active learning of the students' non-hand side limbs and in improving the forehand and backhand stroke skills of the forehand and backhand limbs. At the same time, both hands learn to improve the technical ability of both hands on the side of the hand more effectively than the forehand. And the study of forehand technical action of non-sharp forehand before the study of backhand of hands speeds up the learning speed of technical action of backhand on the side of the hand, deepens the understanding of technical structure, and improves the quality of technical action to a certain extent. 2. Bilateral transfer teaching method can make the left and right brain balanced development, improve the degree of brain development, promote the overall and coordinated development of students' physical quality, enhance the rationality and standardization of technical actions, and thus improve the level of each technical action; 3. In tennis teaching, using both hands to learn simultaneously (bilateral transfer teaching method) in the process of training to improve the brain excitement, in the process of bilateral conversion, can make the muscles and nerves on one side of the effective rest. Then ensure the quality of subsequent tasks, so that students can always ensure good training attitude and state, to reduce the probability of sports injury has a positive significance;
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