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发布时间:2018-12-11 06:04
[Abstract]:In order to strengthen the training of reserve talents for Olympic events, to establish and improve the training system of reserve talents for Olympic events, the State Sports Administration has set up a "high-level reserve talent base" for Olympic events throughout the country. In 2013, the State General Administration of Sports confirmed a new batch of high-level reserve volleyball talent base. "Volleyball High level Reserve Talent Base" is a basic volleyball training unit in China for training and reserving reserve volleyball talents. The present situation and characteristics of the main indexes of female volleyball players' body shape and special quality are clarified. To provide a theoretical reference for the scientific training of coaches. Through the methods of literature, body shape measurement, special diathesis test and mathematical statistics, the body shape of 341 women volleyball athletes who participated in the 2015,2016 "National Volleyball High level Reserve Talent Base" organized by the State Sports Administration was studied. The main indexes of special quality are studied, and the following conclusions are drawn from different angles of age and special position: (1) there is a certain gap between the main indexes of special quality and that of young women volleyball players; (1) the body shape of women volleyball athletes; According to the score standard of "outline", the main indexes of special quality failed; It can be seen that the physical form and the level of special quality are relatively low, but the athletes of this age group are in the period of youth development, and the body form has a great room for rising. Physical quality is also in the sensitive stage of development. (2) the development of the main indicators of body shape, sensitive period: body weight, Ketole index in 10-11 years old the most obvious increase; Height, distance between hands and feet, finger spacing increased at the age of 11-12. The main indicators of special quality development period, sensitive period: 30 meters run, half "meter" word movement, double swing jump rope score between 10-11 years old, run-up is higher than 10-12 years of age sudden increase; Standing long jump in 16-17 years of age is the most obvious increase. (3) the main attack prominent for the larger, the body thick muscle fullness is the highest; the secondary attack is tall, the limbs are longer, but the body thin fullness is lower. The connection is similar to the second transmission body shape, mainly for the moderate figure, moderate body fullness. There is a significant difference between the free person height index and other special position, the Ketole index is only lower than the main attack and there is no significant difference, it can be seen that the free person has a high degree of body thickness and fullness. The body form of different special positions accords with the characteristics of volleyball sports technical and tactical division, but there is a significant difference compared with young women volleyball. (4) the ability of main attack and bounce has no obvious advantage, and the ability of quick movement and sensitive coordination is poor; Secondary attack bouncing has obvious advantages, other special quality achievements are not outstanding; more comprehensive, all special quality results are good; second pass special quality indicators are not outstanding; free people fast movement and sensitive coordination ability outstanding. According to the scoring standard of outline, the main indexes of special quality of each specialized position did not reach the pass level, and there was a significant difference compared with the special position of youth women's volleyball team. It can be seen that the overall level of the special quality of the women's volleyball team is relatively low in our country's "Volleyball High level Reserve Talent Base". It is suggested that coaches follow the law of growth and development of teenagers, scientifically and rationally arrange training to promote the development of body shape. At the present stage, we should take the passing achievement of the special quality of the outline as the goal, make full use of the sensitive period of the development of each index, and train the athletes of different ages and special positions in order to make the athletes of different ages, The special quality of the athletes in different special positions is at least up to the passing level.


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