[Abstract]:Based on the methods of literature, questionnaire and mathematical statistics, the characteristics and development trend of sports consumption structure of rural residents in the Yangtze River Delta are analyzed by using the extended linear expenditure system model (ELES model) as an analysis tool. The study shows that there are significant differences in the composition ratio of sports consumption structure among rural residents in the Yangtze River Delta region, with obvious characteristics of age, sex, education, income, etc. The development tendency of consumption items is mainly in the category of sports participation. In the aspect of "basic sports consumption structure", the proportion of rural residents' basic sports demand expenditure on different items is very significant difference, in which the consumption expenditure of "sports kind" consumption items is relatively high, "sports participation category", Entertainment accounts for a relatively low proportion of consumer spending. In terms of "marginal consumption tendency", the marginal consumption tendency of rural residents in the Yangtze River Delta is 0.124 989, in which the marginal consumption tendency of "sports participation category, entertainment category" is higher than that of "sports material goods" consumer goods. In the aspect of "income elasticity", the income elasticity coefficient of "sports participation type and entertainment type" consumption items are all greater than 1, and the increase range of consumption expenditure is larger than that of rural residents' income, which will become the hot spot of rural residents' sports consumption. In terms of "price elasticity", the coefficient of self-price elasticity of all kinds of sports consumer goods is between "- 0.253 627- 0.925 218", which will affect their own demand. The "cross elasticity coefficient" of all kinds of sports consumer goods is between "-0.000 342U -0.019 751", in which the cross-price elasticity coefficient of "sports clothing" items is the largest. Its price change can produce certain influence to other kinds of sports consumables. Finally, the paper puts forward the realistic path to optimize the sports consumption structure of rural residents.
【作者单位】: 南京工业大学体育部;南京师范大学体育科学学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金项目(13BTY014) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(16YJC890011) 国家体育总局体育哲学社会科学研究项目(2344SS16081)
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