[Abstract]:The report of the 18th National Congress of the CPC pointed out that in order to run a satisfactory education for the people, it is necessary to give full play to the positive role of private education in the reform of educational undertakings, which is an important growth point and an important force. In recent years, the status of private higher vocational education has developed from the supplementary part of higher vocational education to an important part, which has made positive contributions to the development of regional economy and higher education. At the same time, the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out: vigorously carrying out mass national fitness campaign to promote the healthy development of competitive sports and mass sports. The reform and exploration of physical education course teaching is an effective way to implement mass sports in higher vocational education colleges and universities. It is also a new requirement of social development for the improvement of the comprehensive quality of talents in higher vocational education. At the same time, it is one of the important standards to measure the overall education and teaching reform in higher vocational colleges. With the advantage of capital educational resources, private higher vocational education in Beijing has developed rapidly. However, there is a certain gap between Beijing private higher vocational education and ordinary colleges and universities in physical education teaching. This paper is based on the relevant research documents of Chinese experts and scholars on the physical education curriculum in ordinary colleges and private colleges, and through the questionnaire survey on the present situation of physical education courses in 5 private vocational colleges and universities in Beijing. Based on the analysis of descriptive statistical methods, this paper finds out the problems existing in the physical education curriculum of private vocational colleges in Beijing, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to promote the sustainable and healthy development of sports in private vocational colleges in Beijing. The conclusions are as follows: the guiding ideology and teaching objectives of "Health first, lifelong physical Education" of the PE course run by the people in higher vocational education accord with the requirements of the new national outline and are well recognized by teachers and students; The curriculum of physical education is too simple and traditional, the mode of curriculum is unreasonable, and the teaching hours of physical education do not reach the standard stipulated by the state. There are some problems in the construction of PE teaching staff, such as the ratio of teachers and students is not up to the standard, the structure of professional title is not reasonable, and the evaluation system of PE course in private vocational colleges in Beijing needs to be reformed. The sports facilities of private vocational colleges in Beijing are not up to the national standard. Based on the above conclusions, the following suggestions are put forward: perfecting the policy mechanism, strengthening leadership management, adjusting the structure of physical education curriculum, optimizing the evaluation system of physical education curriculum, strengthening the construction of teaching staff and improving the overall quality of physical education teachers; Increase capital input, increase physical education teaching infrastructure construction, optimize physical education teaching environment.
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