[Abstract]:Competition rules are the main contents of guiding the development of events, the training principles of coaches and athletes, and the important basis for guiding the competition. Wrestling is based on technique, tactics, confrontation as a form of expression, as far as the rules allow, through physical contact confrontation, the timing of the event. The 2013 International Federation wrestling regulation of the new rules not only make the content more perfect, In order to increase the continuity and appreciation of wrestling competitions, it also puts forward higher requirements and expectations for wrestlers, and higher requirements for wrestlers' technical and tactical training. Under this new system, Only constantly adjust themselves to adapt to the new competition rules, constantly improve themselves, constantly break through their own, in order to win in the fierce competition. The change of wrestling rules means both opportunities and challenges, but the change of wrestling rules embodies the Olympic spirit. In this paper, the methods of literature, video observation, comparative analysis and logic analysis are used to analyze and study the technical and tactical training of high-level female wrestlers in China under the new rules. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the changes of new rules of wrestling make women wrestling competition more intense and exciting, and gain more mass base and social anything. From the point of view of technical score, a lot of technical points increased by 1 point, such as: forced 30 seconds attack, the opponent scored 1 point, if the appeal is unsuccessful, the other party gets 1 point, and so on. In terms of winning method, the number of times of winning by technical score is obviously decreased, and the number of victories by advantage is obviously increased because of the accumulated scores. (2) from the women's wrestling championships and world championships in 2014, It can be seen that the technical and tactical characteristics of high-level female wrestlers in China are relatively mature, and the action response is fast and flexible, and the movements are accurate and ruthless. In particular, Sun Ya Nan strong indomitable efforts and the flexibility of the field, sometimes even male athletes are not as good as. Holding legs and kneeling are the technical advantages of Chinese women wrestlers. However, there is a slight lack of physical strength and special strength, which should be strengthened and improved in future training. (3) judging from the advantages and disadvantages of our main competitors, we should actively attack and suppress the Japanese players. Do not give each other the opportunity to breathe, take the initiative to master the rhythm of the game; For Europe and the United States players, to be flexible, fast initiative, more use of techniques, waiting for the opportunity to pick up legs to roll the bridge score; We should have the belief that we must win, adjust our mentality, don't worry, and take the initiative to master the rhythm of the match. (4) the new rules of wrestling promote the development and innovation of wrestling techniques and tactics, and improve the competition and appreciation of women wrestling. The technique posture under the new rule has kneeling support to stand leading, athletes should strengthen the use of standing technique in training, especially the connection between standing and kneeling support, should be more consistent; The adjustment of the new rules requires athletes to pay more attention to the comprehensive technology.
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