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发布时间:2019-02-17 07:58
[Abstract]:Stress (stress), is also what we commonly call stress. It refers to the fact that an individual, in the face of a threatening stimulus, is unable to eliminate a feeling of oppression when he threatens to escape from a difficult situation. There are many intermediate regulatory variables between stress and disease. Resilience and coping style is one of the many factors. In the existing research literature, most of the research on specific posts, such as doctor-patient or military personnel tough personality related research, but for physical education college students this special social group of research is very little. At present, most of the researches on coping style of physical education major students adopt simple coping style scale. They can only understand the negative or positive coping style macroscopically, and can not make microanalysis on each dimension. Therefore, the study took 505 students majoring in physical education, sports training, ethnic sports, sports arts and so on in Hubei Province as the objects of study. The coping style scale and the university student toughness personality rating scale were used to investigate and analyze the coping style and the characteristics of tough personality of physical education students in order to carry out the mental health education work for the physical education students during the school period. Improving their mental health level and learning quality provides some relevant theoretical and practical basis. This study draws the following conclusions: 1. The dimensionality ranking characteristic of physical education major students in Hubei province is to control the input of resilience challenge, and the dimension rank characteristic of coping style is to solve the problem seeking help fantasy to get rid of the rational self-blame. 2. Hubei sports major students tough personality, coping style has a distinct gender characteristics. In tough personality, male students challenge dimension is higher than female, female involvement dimension is higher than male. In coping style, boys are more inclined to solve problems than girls, girls are more inclined to ask for help and fantasy than boys. 3. Hubei sports major students tough personality, coping style has outstanding grade characteristics. In tough personality, freshmen and senior students are stronger than sophomore and junior students. The challenge dimension of freshmen, sophomores and junior students is higher than that of senior students. In coping style, the senior students tend to solve problems more than the lower grade students, and the lower grade students are higher than the senior students in the dimension of seeking help. The senior students showed mature characteristics in coping style. 4. The special teaching and training of different sports event groups make physical education students' tough personality show remarkable characteristics of event group. In terms of control dimension, the students of difficult beauty group were higher than those of other sports groups. In the challenge dimension score, difficult beauty, physical fitness group students score lower than combat confrontation, network confrontation, competition group students. 5. The special teaching and training of different sports event groups make the students' coping styles show the same and different characteristics. The students of physical ability and fighting group blame themselves, and the dimension of seeking help is lower than that of the students in the same competition group. The students' fantasy dimension of difficult beauty group is higher than that of other event group students, and the score of students' avoidance and coping style is higher than that of difficult beauty, combat confrontation and physical fitness group students. 6. 6%. In terms of tough personality, the level of physical education graduate students' fortitude personality input is higher than that of undergraduates, and the resilience dimension of township registered sports students is higher than that of urban registered sports students. In coping style, the scores of problem-solving ability of postgraduates majoring in physical education are higher than that of undergraduates. The score of seeking help for undergraduate students was higher than that of graduate students, and the scores of retreat and coping style of students majoring in township residence sports were higher than those of students majoring in urban residence sports.


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