[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology, more and more high-tech means are used in the teaching field, and the indoor teaching of football teaching also uses a variety of multimedia means. "Live Football" is a football game developed by Japanese companies. It is set according to the characteristics of the players, so that the players in the game and reality as close as possible, this topic with the help of live football platform, through their own play of the game and the game itself set, create the need for teaching video, Then the teaching video is applied to the teaching. This paper mainly analyzes the defensive behavior of the players in the game, and makes a special defensive teaching video, from simple to difficult, from personal defensive tactics to regional defensive tactics to overall defensive tactics, and then to making teaching video. According to the teaching plan and syllabus, the useful video is selected to make courseware. In the teaching, the students can understand the defense more intuitively and learn to defend, in order to promote the correct and successful application of defensive tactics in the match. This article mainly through the literature method, the expert interview method, the experiment contrast method, the data analysis method carries on the analysis research, through the experiment verifies the student defends the difference. It is concluded that the competitive software can stimulate the students' interest, improve the students' learning efficiency, make students deeply influenced by multi-sensory participation, and improve the students' grasp of the time on the field. At the same time, the effective teaching video is chosen. Can accurately express tactics, solve some tactics can not be expressed in language. It is suggested that it should be carried out through the teaching of "live football" competitive software, the strong practice before class, the combination of many kinds of video and different methods of operation.
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