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发布时间:2019-03-26 15:39
[Abstract]:In order to protect the athletes, there are more restrictions on the use of technology in the competition, but these rules also have the problems of poor appreciation and less technical application. In order to improve these problems, a number of amendments and adjustments have been made to the rules of the competition in recent years. The change of the rules of the competition rules of the competition forces the athletes to change in the technical application, and the idea of encouraging the attack in the rules has made the athletes use the technique of high hit rate and the frequency of active attack to be obviously improved. The high-tech application encourages the athletes to use the high-difficulty technology, and the difficulty of hitting the head scores is reduced, so that the athletes' consciousness of attacking the head of the opponent is also continuously enhanced. The use of the electronic guard will make the movement of the front leg of the boxing champion change, the effect of the continuous kick is enhanced, the frequency of the combined action is higher, the defensive consciousness and the body's displacement consciousness are more flexible. The decrease of the site area limits the athlete's offensive and defensive time interval, and the attack rhythm is more urgent. Through the analysis and conclusion of the technical and tactical application of the athletes in the 24 high-level semi-final and final of the Olympic Games in 2016, the paper discusses the application of the technology and tactics of the athletes in the 2012 Olympic Games and the 2015 World Championships under the old rules, and discusses the application of the new rules. The change of the athletes' competitive level and the application of the tactics and tactics under the influence of the change of the site. The change of the rules has different influence on the coach, the athletes and the referees, so that the referee's decision, the coach's guidance and the athletes' training and competition have different degrees. In this paper, the influence of the new rules on the daily training of the athletes in the high-level event before and after the change of the new and the old rules is analyzed, especially the technical and tactical application of the new change of the high-difficulty technology and the site rules is added. A change in scoring rules and the like. The aim of this paper is to make some suggestions on the change of the rules, and to help and contribute to the improvement of the cause of the Chinese boxing and the improvement of the skill and the tactical level of the boxing. The following conclusions were obtained by the analysis:1. In that new rule, the space in the new rule is changed from the four corners to the star of the star, the time of the athletes at the corner in the whole game and the situation of the war is up, which indicates that the change of the field in the new rules has a great influence on the traditional technique and tactics of the competition. The change in the shape of the site makes the confrontation more intense and the space is reduced so that the number of confrontations is increased, which makes the scoring of the single technology in the world close to 70 per cent in the 2012 London Olympics and 51 per cent of the 2015 World Championships, and 43 per cent of the Rio Olympics presents a downward trend. As a result, it can be seen that the two ends of the player in the game are more prone to the continuous-attack technique and the double-fly technique. This is a better way to press the opponent and take advantage of the site. the shape of the playing field is changed, the compression of the space makes the high-order technology more difficult to use, compared with the competition under the old field condition, the area of the octagonal site is reduced, the probability of being counterattacked is increased, the risk of using the lower split kick is improved, The application of the lower splitting has been very broad. The change of the new rules makes the use rate of the counterattack obviously drop, and the score is higher than that of the previous game. The area and shape change of the field have an important influence on the formation and development of the technology and tactics, and the athletes' psychological and other aspects, the athletes must take full consideration of the change of the site and the high requirements for the athletes' competitive ability. The setting of the octagonal site brings a fierce competition. The change of shape in different areas will affect the application of the offensive and defensive tactics of the athletes, and the octagonal site is more flexible in the tactics of the on-site athletes, so that the rhythm of the competition is more compact. The new rules and new fields will be a whole new challenge to the athletes, and the continuity of the attack technology, the conversion ability of both ends, the adaptability of the psychology and the ability to read the competition need to be strengthened, This requires an athlete to have a system-based training as a support. The following recommendations are given for the above conclusions:1. The change of the field is an important test to the athlete's psychology. It is positive to create a good and stable athlete's attitude through the actual psychological training, the improvement of the psychological quality, the ability to resist the changing environment, and the creation of a good and stable player. It's a good tactic, and it's perfect for every game. The decision on a fair decision is a decisive factor in the fight. It is not only the process of appreciation of the fierce competition and the uncertainty of the result of the competition, which is the direct cause of the existence and development of the movement of the boxing and boxing. To enhance the understanding and study of the rules of the Chinese boxing track can promote the scientific and reasonable of better training. As the area of the playing field is reduced, the competition is more intense, the better performance level and the ability to allocate the physical ability should be paid attention, and in the future training, the rapid force combination training should be strengthened, the efficiency of the training is guaranteed, and the maximum advantage in the day-to-day training is obtained in the shortest time. In the tactical training, the new technology and the development of the new method should be put forward. Strengthen the initiative of the athlete's training, increase the difficulty and comprehensiveness of the high-technical and tactical training, and enhance the technical ability of the attack and defense, so as to adapt to the improvement of the new requirements of the international competition and boxing training.


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