[Abstract]:In recent years, the performance of Chinese men's basketball team in international competition is not satisfactory, compared with the previous level has a large decline. At the same time, with the all-round promotion of professionalization of CBA and the acceleration of the reform process, the professionalization of players has also been pushed to a new stage. However, although it has aroused extensive attention, the research on CBA athletes' conduct evaluation index has not yet been done in China. The purpose of this paper is to determine and establish the CBA athletes' conduct performance and its evaluation index system through a series of research methods. CBA athletes' conduct refers to the fact that they are registered by the China Basketball Association and have club economic contracts on their backs. And the professional qualities shown by practitioners engaged in basketball matches as a stable means of earning a living in their work and the professional ethics shown by the behavior style with basketball sports characteristics. The conduct of CBA athletes is determined by professional elements. Quality and professional ethics are composed of two levels. According to the principle of constructing the evaluation index system of professional basketball players' conduct, two first-class indexes, six second-level indexes and 33 third-level indexes were established on the basis of the questionnaire. Among them, the weight of professional quality is 0.4828, the spiritual weight of secondary index is 0.2988, the weight of quality is 0.2736 and the weight of ability is 0.4276, the weight of professional ethics is 0.5172, and the weight of love and dedication of secondary index is 0.5430. The weight of honesty and trustworthiness is 0.3183 and the weight of dedication society is 0.1387.
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