[Abstract]:Shooting has been developing for more than 60 years in our country, and the task of winning honor for the country has been realized in many Olympic Games. Based on the perspective of history, through interviews with important figures of different historical ages, we collect and read policy documents and training diaries, observe the training and competition of the national shooting team, and train, compete and manage the reserve talents in this project. Coach training and other influencing factors are combed to reveal some basic laws of the development process of the project. The basic laws are as follows: the inheritance and innovation of the national system is the fundamental guarantee of the project development; the relative stability of the number of talents is the basic premise to realize the sustainable development of the project; the paramilitarization of the team management is the important content of the project culture; The idea of training gradually becomes a system, which is the ideological basis of the scientific training of the project, and the training system has become a tradition and a strategic measure to improve the quality of coaches.
【作者单位】: 北京体育大学;
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