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发布时间:2019-04-16 16:17
[Abstract]:By using the methods of literature, questionnaire, measurement and mathematical statistics, this paper makes an in-depth study on the physical fitness of the 60-year-old aged people who participated in the physical fitness testing activities of Jilin Institute of physical Education and Changchun Institute of physical Education from 2015 to 2016, and made a deep study on the physical fitness of the 60-year-old people in Changchun City. To fully understand the overall physical condition of such people and the differences between gender and urban and rural areas, to help the elderly to have a personalized, scientific and intuitive understanding of their own physical health status, It provides a scientific reference for the formulation of relevant health promotion schemes, and has positive promoting significance for improving the overall health level and the quality of life of the elderly people in our province in an all-round way. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the physical and health status of the elderly in Changchun is on the middle level, the female is superior to the male, and the town is superior to the rural; Compared with the old people who monitored the fourth national physique in Jilin Province, the overall physical health status of the elderly in Changchun was better than that of the elderly in the whole province. 2. The education level of the elderly in Changchun was generally lower than that of the old people in Changchun. At present, only a small number of people continue to work, the main daily travel is walking and taking a car, in their spare time they choose to watch TV, walk and light housework, and relatively many people suffer from osteoarthrosis, heart disease and high blood pressure. And most of the elderly lack physical fitness venues and equipment; Although the number of people who often take part in physical exercise is less than half of the total, but the frequency, intensity and duration of sports are ideal, the main sports events are walking, dancing and Taijiquan. The main reasons for the elderly to take part in sports are lack of interest, inertia and lack of time. According to the results of the study, the corresponding suggestions are put forward: 1. The relevant government departments should continue to expand the input of funds for physical fitness monitoring, establish health assessment and follow-up service institutions for the elderly, formulate personalized exercise prescriptions, and control the weight. Improving the index of body shape; 2. The elderly should learn to relax and adjust themselves, improve the bad life style, actively participate in physical exercise, and constantly improve the index of physical function; Third, we should gradually increase the investment in rural fitness equipment and related facilities, gradually improve the physique of farmers, and constantly reduce the differences in physique between urban and rural areas; 4. We should continue to strengthen the construction of venues and facilities, vigorously advocate the elderly to participate in physical fitness activities, gradually remove the obstacles that affect the elderly to participate in sports, and constantly improve the scientific fitness consciousness and physical health level of the elderly.


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