[Abstract]:Background: in recent years, the research methods of hurdle athletes mainly use video analysis combined with DLT algorithm to obtain technical parameters, but little research on gait and surface EMG characteristics of hurdlers under normal walking. Objective: to investigate the changes of gait and electromyography (EMG) of hurdlers under the complete gait cycle. Methods: eight male professional hurdlers were tested on gait and lower extremity surface EMG, and the differences of gait and lower extremity surface EMG were analyzed by mathematical statistics. Results and conclusion: (1) there was no significant difference in gait parameters of hurdle athletes (except step size); (2). With the periodic change of gait, the myoelectric activity of muscle surface of the same name of lower extremity showed alternation between left and right. (3) the median frequency and average power frequency of the hurdle leg in the lower extremity muscle group were higher than those of the swinging leg (except biceps femoris, anterior tibia muscle and lateral sural muscle), but the average EMG value and EMG score of the hurdle leg were lower than those of the swinging leg. (4) in the standing phase, the median frequency and average power frequency of the leg of each muscle group of the lower extremity were higher than those of the swinging leg (except the anterior tibia muscle), but the average EMG value and EMG score of the hurdle leg were lower than those of the swinging leg (except soleus muscle). (5) in the swing phase stage, the median frequency and average power frequency of the hurdle leg of each muscle group of the lower extremity were higher than those of the swinging leg (except the anterior tibia muscle and the lateral sural muscle), but the average EMG value and EMG score of the hurdle leg were lower than those of the swinging leg (except soleus muscle). (6) the results showed that there was no significant difference in gait parameters of hurdle athletes in the complete gait cycle. The EMG signal on the muscle surface of the same name side of lower extremity showed alternating EMG activity with the periodic movement of gait. The EMG on the surface of hurdle leg and swing leg had different degrees of difference in frequency domain and time domain, and the muscle strength of hurdle leg was smaller than that of swinging leg.
【作者单位】: 西南大学体育学院国家体育总局体质评价与运动机能监控重点实验室;重庆三峡学院;
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