[Abstract]:In recent years, under the rapid evolution of globalization and the strong impact of foreign civilization, the connotation of sports culture value of ethnic minorities in China and the promotion of cultural value have become the problems that must be considered and attached importance to the strategic development of creating cultural industry in our country at the present stage. At the same time, it is also related to the guarantee of the efficiency of realizing the sustained prosperity of minority sports culture. Based on the explanation of the connotation of Miao sports culture, combined with the impact and influence on the development of Miao sports culture in an all-round way in the era of globalization, this paper probes into the historic evolution utility of humanistic concept and cultural root-rooted concept to Miao sports culture, and further analyzes the connotation exploration of Miao sports culture value and the way to enhance its cultural value. In order to provide useful ideas for the connotation construction of the traditional sports culture value of ethnic minorities in the era of globalization.
【作者单位】: 四川大学;
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