pedagogical content 的翻译结果
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pedagogical content
PCK is the abbreviation of "Pedagogical Content Knowledge",and is the most effective knowledge of teaching in teacher's knowledge category.
PCK是学科教学知识(Pedagogical Content Knowledge)的简称,是教师知识范畴中使教学最有效的知识。
Teachers' pedagogical content knowledge(PCK) is a new focus of teacher research.
教师学科教学知识(Pedagogical Content Knowledge)是教师研究的新焦点。
The Pedagogical Content Knowledge:The New Perspective of Teacher Professional Development
The pedagogical content knowledge concept has brought an impact on theories and practices of teacher education.
The pedagogical content knowledge construction of mathematics teacher
Strategy for Pedagogical Content Knowledge Development of Junior Mathematics Teacher
Positive Study Two: Influence Factors of Pedagogical Knowledge of Physical Education Teachers in Middle Schools(1) The tendency of pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and pedagogical reflection knowledge of shorter teaching ages' physical education teachers in middle schools are significantly lower than those of longer teaching ages';
(1) 在中学体育教师教学知识的总趋势、教学内容知识和教学反思知识两个分维度上,一般是教龄较短的显著低于教龄较长; 在教学策略知识、教学信念知识、教学评价知识三个维度上,11-15教龄组的中学体育教师呈现出下降的趋势,尤其是教学信念知识和教学评价知识在这一教龄组最低。
Pedagogical Content knowledge —Namely the knowledge about the way of expressing the mathematics concept and the course;
in the C content
同时发现 VC 对 Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷的晶粒长大有非常强的抑制作用。
Its content is: I.
The pedagogical content knowledge construction of mathematics teacher
Teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge:Nature,Feature and Structure
d) pedagogical suggestions.
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pedagogical content
Recent interest and inquiry into constructivism, pedagogical content knowledge, and case study methodology are influencing the content and goals of educational psychology in teacher preparation.
The purpose of this study was to rethink the conceptualization of pedagogical content knowledge based on our descriptive research findings and to show how this new conceptualization helps us to understand teachers as professionals.
Revisiting the Conceptualisation of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK): PCK as a Conceptual Tool to Understand Teachers as Prof
We investigated three domains of teacher knowledge: Teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), subject-matter knowledge, and general pedagogical knowledge.
Factors within pedagogical content knowledge, ranked from most to least important, were science pedagogy, science activities, children's views of science, science content knowledge and investigating scientifically.
The pedagogical content knowledge concept has brought an impact on theories and practices of teacher education. This paper discusses the connotation,feature and construction of pedagogical content knowledge. Moreover,it analyses meaning of the pedagogical content knowledge for teacher professional development,and then puts forward some countermeasures for guiding reform of teacher education of our country with pedagogical content knowledge concept.
This study proposes a professional profile for effective university EFL teachers, based on an essentially qualitative study of 213 such teachers from 30 universities across China. The proposed profile consists of four related dimensions: English language pedagogical content competence, view of the foreign language teaching profession and professional ethics, view of foreign language teaching and learning, and view of language teacher learning and development. The nature of the profile and relations between...
This study proposes a professional profile for effective university EFL teachers, based on an essentially qualitative study of 213 such teachers from 30 universities across China. The proposed profile consists of four related dimensions: English language pedagogical content competence, view of the foreign language teaching profession and professional ethics, view of foreign language teaching and learning, and view of language teacher learning and development. The nature of the profile and relations between its four components are discussed.
本研究对我国3 0所高校2 1 3名优秀英语教师进行了调查,旨在回答两个问题:1 )他们的专业素质框架和内涵是什么?2 )他们怎样成长为教学效果好、深受学生喜爱的教师?本文基于调查结果构建了我国高校优秀英语教师的专业素质框架,阐释了其内涵。该框架由四个维度组成:外语学科教学能力、外语教师职业观和职业道德、外语教学观、外语教师学习与发展观。文章讨论了四个维度的内涵及其相互关系。
Findings from a nation-wide survey among teachers of English at tertiary level reveal an urgent need for development among university teachers of English in China. However a discrepancy has been found between the perceived needs for development among teachers and the actual needs for effective teaching in the classroom. Teachers are identified with the learning-oriented teaching beliefs and a significant correlation has been found between the learning-oriented belief and the larning-oriented approaches. However,...
Findings from a nation-wide survey among teachers of English at tertiary level reveal an urgent need for development among university teachers of English in China. However a discrepancy has been found between the perceived needs for development among teachers and the actual needs for effective teaching in the classroom. Teachers are identified with the learning-oriented teaching beliefs and a significant correlation has been found between the learning-oriented belief and the larning-oriented approaches. However, the study finds little correlation between teachers beliefs and their classroom activities. The author believes that a lack of pedagogical content knowledge and language learning theory components in our teacher eduction curriculum may have well contributed to the discrepancy between teachers beliefs and their classroom behavior.
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