[Abstract]:Based on the (CHNS) data of Chinese Health and Nutrition Survey, this paper analyzes the influencing factors of dropout behavior of rural left-behind children in junior middle school, and compares the differences of the influence of father or mother going out to work. The results show that the policy of free and compulsory education reduces the probability of dropping out of junior high school for left-behind children to a great extent, while the father's going out can reduce the dropout rate of left-behind children, and the mother's going out may increase the dropout rate of left-behind children. In addition, compared with those left-behind children whose parents are less educated, the more educated their parents are, the less likely they are to drop out of school, but the number of children in the family and the opportunity cost will increase the probability of dropping out of junior high school.
【作者单位】: 南京农业大学经济管理学院;南京农业大学中国粮食安全研究中心;
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