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发布时间:2018-07-27 14:56
【摘要】:全国教育会联合会是中国近代重要的教育学术团体之一,其历届年会研讨的问题几乎涉及了整个教育领域的方方面面。所议决的提案多为当时国内教育之重大问题。历届年会的议决案经教育部略加修改后即以法令形式颁布实施。在我国近代教育发展和改革发挥了相当重要的作用。 全国教育会联合会第九届会议于1923年10月22日在昆明召开。出席会议者十五省区代表二十二人。与会代表中知名教育家如黄炎培、袁希涛等。云南省教育会推举由云龙、王用予、吴铮为代表。此届会议会期为半个月,共开会十次,议决三十案。此次会议的召开不仅对当时的教育界产生了重要的影响,同时亦对云南的近代教育发展有着重要的意义,但时至今日仍未引起学者的注意。云南虽地处边陲,但其教育文化发展却没有因此而与中原隔绝,相反,自古便与中原地区紧密相连,从来都是不可分割的整体。云南虽然在政治上数度与中原地区分裂,但最终回归祖国的大家庭,这不是一个简单的分合的过程,正是由于深厚的文化凝聚力所在。 全国教育会联合会第九届会议召开在云南的“唐继尧时代”,以教育会议为媒介,深入研究近代云南边疆与中央的关系有重要的意义。任何历史课题的研究,都有赖于史料的发掘与整理,历史研究的推进与史料的发掘密不可分。本文对全国教育会联合会第九届会议的相关文献史料进行系统的搜集,并进行严谨的整理,并对所得文献资料进行适当的史料价值分析。
[Abstract]:The National Federation of Educational Associations is one of the most important educational academic organizations in modern China. Most of the proposals resolved were major issues of domestic education at that time. The resolutions of previous annual meetings were promulgated and implemented by decree after slightly modified by the Ministry of Education. In our country modern education development and reform has played a very important role. The Ninth Conference of the National Association of Educational Associations was held in Kunming on October 22, 1923. The meeting was attended by 22 representatives of 15 provinces and regions. Participants in the well-known educators such as Huang Yanpei, Yuan Xitao, and so on. Yunnan Education Association by Yunlong, Wang Yu, Wu Zheng as the representative. The session lasted half a month and consisted of 10 meetings and 30 resolutions. The convening of the conference not only had an important influence on the educational circles at that time, but also had an important significance to the development of modern education in Yunnan, but it still has not attracted the attention of the scholars. Although Yunnan is located in the border, its educational and cultural development has not been isolated from the Central Plains. On the contrary, it has been closely linked with the Central Plains since ancient times and has always been an indivisible whole. Although Yunnan is politically divided from the Central Plains for several times, it is not a simple process of separation and cooperation between Yunnan and the Central Plains, but it is precisely because of the deep cultural cohesion that Yunnan is finally returned to the big family of the motherland. The Ninth Conference of the National Federation of Educational Associations was held in the Tang Jiyao era in Yunnan. It is of great significance to study the relationship between the frontier areas of Yunnan and the central authorities in modern times with the educational conference as the medium. The research of any historical subject depends on the excavation and arrangement of historical materials, and the advancement of historical research is closely related to the discovery of historical materials. In this paper, the relevant documents of the Ninth Conference of the National Federation of Educational Associations are systematically collected, carefully sorted out, and the value of the documents obtained is analyzed appropriately.


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