[Abstract]:In twenty-first Century, the development of economy and science and technology promoted the rapid development of information technology. At the same time, it also made school education come to the information process. Education informationization is an important part of the new round of basic education curriculum reform in China, and the integration of information technology and discipline teaching is the key to the information technology of school education. By taking the books as the center, taking the classroom as the center, taking the teachers as the center, taking the direct experience as the center, taking the activities as the center, and taking the students as the center, the training of the experience type talents is turned to the creative talents. Therefore, the information technology of school education in all regions of the country is promoted and the integration of information technology and subject teaching is implemented in the course of teaching. Hot topic.
Xinjiang is a weak area of education in China. Under the background of a new round of curriculum reform, full play is given to the advantages of the integration of information technology and curriculum, the promotion of learning efficiency and the improvement of the quality of education as a breakthrough in reducing the educational gap between Xinjiang and other areas. Every primary and secondary school in Xinjiang should seize this opportunity and turn the pressure into a motive force, We should actively carry out integration activities to improve the quality of local teaching.
In the process of information technology and curriculum integration, the construction of school hardware facilities and software resources is the basis for the implementation of the activities. Without the support of hardware and equipment, integration is like the activities of building houses without foundation and building houses directly. Therefore, the construction of hardware environment is the first problem to be solved in Xinjiang area. The subject of implementation is the teacher of the teaching organizer and the object is the student. In the process of integration, how to give full play to the role of these soul individuals and make it serve the whole activity is the problem we are studying at present.
This paper, first of all, from the school hardware equipment and teachers' information technology ability to investigate, on the basis of the survey data, get the status of the integration of Xinjiang information technology and curriculum, and find the problems of integration in Xinjiang area, and combine the actual situation in Xinjiang, analyze the problems, bring out the solutions and suggestions, and promote the Xinjiang area letter in China. The pace of integration of interest technology and curriculum.
This paper investigates the situation of the information equipment and the hardware environment of the primary and secondary schools in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, including the school vitality ratio, the multimedia classroom, the construction of the campus network and so on. On this basis, the author also carries out a questionnaire survey on the ability of the teachers of the education line, including the educational technology ability, the theory concept and so on. Through the survey data analysis of information technology and curriculum integration activities, the current status of integration in Xinjiang area is obtained, and some problems in the process of education information in primary and secondary schools are found. The main problems are: 1. Xinjiang is remote, information blocking, high quality resources lack, 2. economy is underdeveloped, information teaching equipment is seriously inadequate, 3. school equipment The management system is not standardized, the 4. school leaders and teachers have a superficial understanding of the knowledge of education information. The 5. teachers use the media to catch "the wind" to catch the "tide". Only technology no effect, 6. and the Middle East region education quality gap, only pay attention to the higher school rate, neglect quality education, 7. primary and secondary schools are wide, teachers' centralized training becomes a difficult problem, and the 8. teachers can't keep up with them. On behalf of the 9. students, the level of students' information skills is low, the understanding of information technology is not clear and the information technology can not be used well. On the basis of the discovery of the problems, the concrete solutions are put forward on the basis of the actual situation in Xinjiang, such as: first, increase the investment and build a good hardware learning environment; two, the construction of the campus network, the realization of the school school; three, construction Teaching resource base, rational use of resources; four, standardize management system, improve the implementation of information technology and curriculum integration; five, strengthen the construction of teachers, attach importance to the teaching of information technology, strengthen the proportion of information technology teachers; six, promote the development of teachers' professional ability; seven, change students' existing ideas; eight, increase the information literacy of students. Nine, strengthen the practical ability of the students; ten, strengthen the training of teachers, prepare teachers for the implementation of the curriculum reform and integration activities; eleven, get rid of the shadow of the exam oriented education, and measure the teaching results with the standard of quality education.
The integration of information technology and subject teaching is a long-term project, which needs the joint efforts of education departments and all walks of life to send a ray of sunshine to Xinjiang education.
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