发布时间:2018-10-07 17:43
【摘要】:负面教育是指在行为规范的领域内,运用约束、批评、惩罚等手段针对儿童的不当行为展开的教育。这种教育的目的在于限制、修正儿童的行为,以及让儿童为自己的过错承担相应的责任,形成良好的行为习惯和德性。强制性、批判性、施以压力等是其主要特征。 负面教育是不可或缺的教育手段。然而,在我国目前的教育实践中,部分教育者往往忽略了或不敢使用负面教育,致使负面教育陷入被抛弃、被拒绝、被转移、被弱化以及被扭曲的境地,使得教育趋向软弱无力。这不仅减损了教育公平,还冲击着纪律的权威,违背了正义的原则。把儿童完全置入一种温情的场域之中,不利于形成旺盛的生命力。而且,对儿童的放逐,有使儿童的责任感流失的危险,并难树儿童法的精神。 传统的负面教育试图通过压制和规训,以造就驯服的臣民。这种近乎残酷的、丧失民主精神的做法受到教育理论工作者的强烈批判。从卢梭开始,历经蒙台梭利、杜威等人,教育正式走向了发现儿童、解放儿童和尊重儿童之路。在这种趋势下,一些学者对负面手段进行了反思,甚至是质疑和责难。如苏霍姆林斯基、塞勒斯坦·弗内核、斯金纳、埃尔菲·艾恩、简·尼尔森等人,否定了惩罚等,认为惩罚等是一种无效的教育手段,是对儿童内在本性的损害。尤其在我国片面强调正面教育的情势下,一些教育者丧失了冷静的思考,试图排除教育中的一切强制。 纵观负面教育的实践史,其发展趋势如下:从维系权威到关注和尊重儿童,从以体罚为主到多样化的、人性化的手段,从诉诸儿童的身体到感化和撼动儿童的心灵与精神,从以羞辱、威慑、压制儿童为主到以负面教育为辅。教育需要反对压制和规训,但不等于反对负面教育。出现不当行为,这是儿童成长中的正常现象,是儿童行为学习中的试误。不当行为恰恰是教育的起点。对不当行为进行教育,这是教育者应担负起的责任。负面教育是一个解决问题的过程。而问题的解决,既意味着儿童的成长,又常常伴随教育理论的创生与发展。从形式上来看,负面教育是对原始野性的否定,这种否定以必要的压力作用于儿童。儿童的心理韧性是负面教育能够施以压力的前提,同时必要的压力可以使儿童保持敏锐和慎重,以及增强心理韧性。负面教育又是对不当行为的一种反馈,儿童通过反思,不断地同化和顺应外在的要求,从而实现行为规范的学习。另外,负面教育所创造的是一种逆境。逆境往往构成生存的动力,有利于养成节制等品德,是一种富有生命意义的情境。所以,负面教育对儿童的发展是有价值的:它重组儿童的行为经验,督促儿童建立不应如此的道德防线,也丰富着儿童的人性。同时,负面教育也能够满足其他儿童的德性需要,以及发挥警示作用。它对于维持基本的教育教学秩序也具有辅助性的意义。 负面教育并不违背教育所应该秉持的那些伦理守则。在负面教育中,教育者将儿童视为有责任的道德主体,这是另一种尊重;负面教育也不乏关爱。负面教育中的爱是一种有建设性的东西,它旨在恢复儿童正常的生长方向,是一种理智的、凝重的爱;另一方面,负面教育对不当行为的干涉并不构成对儿童自由的侵犯,而是对更为广泛的自由的维护。因为儿童必须为自己的行为负责;负面教育还是一种规约,它意在让儿童学会节制,理性地去生活,做一个自主的人;此外,负面教育是一种控制,它所追求的是秩序、效果和效率,是为了转化为儿童内在的控制,是正当的。所以,负面教育是一种无形的教化。同时,这些伦理精神理应成为教育者所恪守的原则。 在实践中,教育者应对负面教育保持谨慎的态度,既要认识到负面教育作用的有限性,也要注意防止种种可能的风险。负面教育必须出于教育并为了教育。它传递的应是那些有价值的观念,而且,它要着眼于儿童优良人格的发展,并在发展理解力和认知洞见方面有所作为。负面教育还应该是适当的,是儿童可接受的。它应该努力追求艺术化的教育,防止技术主义对人的物化。负面教育之后,教育者应该进行积极的反思,与儿童保持沟通,并让儿童重新被接纳入所在的团体。
[Abstract]:Negative education refers to the education of improper behavior of children by means of restriction, criticism and punishment in the field of behavioral norms. The aim of such an education is to limit and amend the behaviour of children and to assume corresponding responsibilities for their own faults and to form good behaviour and virtue. Mandatory, critical, stress, etc. are their main characteristics. Negative education is an indispensable teaching However, in our current educational practice, some educators often ignore or dare not use negative education, which causes negative education to fall into abandoned, rejected, transferred, weakened and distorted, so that education tends to be soft Weakness is weak. This not only reduces the fairness of education, but also affects the authority of discipline and violates justice. The principle of placing a child in a field of the field, which is not conducive to the formation of vigorous Vitality. Moreover, the exile of children, the risk of losing the sense of responsibility of children, and the difficulty of tree children's law The spirit of the traditional negative education tries to pass the press and gauge training, so as to To make tamed creatures. This is almost cruel, and the practice of losing democratic spirit is taught by education. The author's strong criticism. From the beginning of the century, through Montessori, Dewey and other people, the education formally went to the discovery of children, the liberation of children And to respect the road of children. In this trend, some scholars reflect on the negative means, very much To question and blame. For example, Suholmlinski, Cyrus Fran, Skinner, Erfi Een, Jane Nelson, etc., negating punishment, etc., considers that punishment, etc., is an ineffective means of education, which is the right to children The damage of the inner nature, especially in the situation of our country's emphasis on formal education, some educators have lost their cool thinking and tried to exclude teaching The development trend of the practice history of negative education is as follows: From maintaining authority to paying attention to and respecting the child, taking corporal punishment as the main to diverse and humanizing means, from resorting to the child's body to the influence and shaking of the child's heart In spirit, from shame, deterrence, repression. Child-based education is supplemented by negative education. Education needs to be opposed to suppression and discipline training but not equal to anti-negative education, which is a normal phenomenon in children's growth, It's a trial mistake in children's behavioral learning. No. When behavior is precisely the starting point of education, education is carried out on improper behavior, which It's the responsibility of educators. Negative education. Education is a problem-solving process, and the solution of the problem means that children grow and are often accompanied With the creation and development of educational theory, in the form of negative education, negative education is the negation of the original wild, which Children's mental toughness is the prerequisite for negative education to exert pressure, and the necessary pressure can keep children keen and sensitive. "Prudence, as well as enhancing mental toughness. Negative education is a kind of feedback to improper behavior, and the child continues to assimilate and conform to the requirements of the outside through reflection, assimilation and compliance." so as to realize the learning of the code of conduct. The creation of education is a kind of adversity. adversity often constitutes the motive force of survival, which is conducive to the cultivation of temperance and other virtues. A life-meaningful situation. Therefore, negative education is valuable for children's development: it reorganizes the behavior experience of children, and urges children to establish such morality Line, also enrich children's human nature. At the same time, negative education can also meet other children's virtues Need, as well as play a warning role, it is essential for maintaining basic educational teaching Order is also of complementary significance. Negative education does not. The ethical codes that should be upheld by the back education. In negative education, educators see children as the moral subject of responsibility, which is Another respect; negative education has no lack of love. Love in negative education is a constructive thing, which aims to restore the normal growth direction of children and is a rational and condensed love; on the other hand, the interference of negative education on improper behavior does not constitute an invasion of children's freedom A child must be responsible for his own actions; negative education is a statute, which is intended to allow children to learn to be restrained and rational to live and to be an autonomous person; moreover, negative education is a control What it seeks is order, effect, and efficiency, in order to It is legitimate to translate into children's internal control. So, negative education is an invisible education. At the same time, these ethics The spirit should be the principle of the educators. In practice, the educators should be cautious about the negative education, so as to realize the negative education. It is also important to pay attention to the prevention of all kinds of possible The risk of negative education must be of education and for education. It should be a valuable concept, and it should focus on the development of children's good personality and make a difference in the development of understanding and insight. Negative education should also be appropriate and acceptable to children. It should be pursued The education of art, which prevents the materialization of the technicalism. After the negative education, the educators should make a positive reflection and protect the children.
[Abstract]:Negative education refers to the education of improper behavior of children by means of restriction, criticism and punishment in the field of behavioral norms. The aim of such an education is to limit and amend the behaviour of children and to assume corresponding responsibilities for their own faults and to form good behaviour and virtue. Mandatory, critical, stress, etc. are their main characteristics. Negative education is an indispensable teaching However, in our current educational practice, some educators often ignore or dare not use negative education, which causes negative education to fall into abandoned, rejected, transferred, weakened and distorted, so that education tends to be soft Weakness is weak. This not only reduces the fairness of education, but also affects the authority of discipline and violates justice. The principle of placing a child in a field of the field, which is not conducive to the formation of vigorous Vitality. Moreover, the exile of children, the risk of losing the sense of responsibility of children, and the difficulty of tree children's law The spirit of the traditional negative education tries to pass the press and gauge training, so as to To make tamed creatures. This is almost cruel, and the practice of losing democratic spirit is taught by education. The author's strong criticism. From the beginning of the century, through Montessori, Dewey and other people, the education formally went to the discovery of children, the liberation of children And to respect the road of children. In this trend, some scholars reflect on the negative means, very much To question and blame. For example, Suholmlinski, Cyrus Fran, Skinner, Erfi Een, Jane Nelson, etc., negating punishment, etc., considers that punishment, etc., is an ineffective means of education, which is the right to children The damage of the inner nature, especially in the situation of our country's emphasis on formal education, some educators have lost their cool thinking and tried to exclude teaching The development trend of the practice history of negative education is as follows: From maintaining authority to paying attention to and respecting the child, taking corporal punishment as the main to diverse and humanizing means, from resorting to the child's body to the influence and shaking of the child's heart In spirit, from shame, deterrence, repression. Child-based education is supplemented by negative education. Education needs to be opposed to suppression and discipline training but not equal to anti-negative education, which is a normal phenomenon in children's growth, It's a trial mistake in children's behavioral learning. No. When behavior is precisely the starting point of education, education is carried out on improper behavior, which It's the responsibility of educators. Negative education. Education is a problem-solving process, and the solution of the problem means that children grow and are often accompanied With the creation and development of educational theory, in the form of negative education, negative education is the negation of the original wild, which Children's mental toughness is the prerequisite for negative education to exert pressure, and the necessary pressure can keep children keen and sensitive. "Prudence, as well as enhancing mental toughness. Negative education is a kind of feedback to improper behavior, and the child continues to assimilate and conform to the requirements of the outside through reflection, assimilation and compliance." so as to realize the learning of the code of conduct. The creation of education is a kind of adversity. adversity often constitutes the motive force of survival, which is conducive to the cultivation of temperance and other virtues. A life-meaningful situation. Therefore, negative education is valuable for children's development: it reorganizes the behavior experience of children, and urges children to establish such morality Line, also enrich children's human nature. At the same time, negative education can also meet other children's virtues Need, as well as play a warning role, it is essential for maintaining basic educational teaching Order is also of complementary significance. Negative education does not. The ethical codes that should be upheld by the back education. In negative education, educators see children as the moral subject of responsibility, which is Another respect; negative education has no lack of love. Love in negative education is a constructive thing, which aims to restore the normal growth direction of children and is a rational and condensed love; on the other hand, the interference of negative education on improper behavior does not constitute an invasion of children's freedom A child must be responsible for his own actions; negative education is a statute, which is intended to allow children to learn to be restrained and rational to live and to be an autonomous person; moreover, negative education is a control What it seeks is order, effect, and efficiency, in order to It is legitimate to translate into children's internal control. So, negative education is an invisible education. At the same time, these ethics The spirit should be the principle of the educators. In practice, the educators should be cautious about the negative education, so as to realize the negative education. It is also important to pay attention to the prevention of all kinds of possible The risk of negative education must be of education and for education. It should be a valuable concept, and it should focus on the development of children's good personality and make a difference in the development of understanding and insight. Negative education should also be appropriate and acceptable to children. It should be pursued The education of art, which prevents the materialization of the technicalism. After the negative education, the educators should make a positive reflection and protect the children.
相关期刊论文 前1条
1 蒋毅;;负面教育的影响探析[J];重庆电子工程职业学院学报;2011年Z1期
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1 吕娜;小学阶段“反面教育”的价值与实践对策初探[D];曲阜师范大学;2013年