[Abstract]:With the continuous development of socialist construction with Chinese characteristics, the process of urbanization has also developed at a high speed, and a large number of rural labor force has poured into the city. In a long period of time in the future, migrant workers as the main body of the phenomenon of population mobility will exist for a long time. This phenomenon not only promotes the development of the city, but also forms some new social problems, among which the education of migrant workers' children is the most prominent. In the context of China's compulsory education system of "local responsibility and hierarchical management", the children of migrant workers are excluded from the formal system of compulsory education because they do not have urban household registration. After the introduction of "two main policies", the education problem of migrant workers' children in the city has been paid attention to. However, due to the limited resources of urban public schools, it is not possible to fully meet the needs of migrant children at the present stage. Although the school of migrant workers' children has solved this problem to some extent, due to the system, policy and other factors, the schools of migrant workers' children do not enjoy the same support from the government compared with the urban public schools. The development of migrant workers' children's schools still faces many problems, such as the lack of sufficient funds for running schools, the poor conditions for running schools, the lack of teachers, and the irregular management of schools, etc. Through a comprehensive investigation of 53 schools of migrant workers children in Hangzhou, and combined with the experience of solving the compulsory education of migrant children at home and abroad, this paper expounds the problems existing in the development of the schools of migrant workers' children in Hangzhou at present. Based on the analysis of the system and policy, the author puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to solve the problem of the development of the children of migrant workers in Hangzhou.
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