[Abstract]:With the enrichment of material life and the development of science and technology, the physical and mental health of adolescent students has become an important problem in contemporary education. The Taoist theory of virtual stillness holds that virtual static is the foundation of human life, and its vitality is the most exuberant when people are in the state of virtual stillness. Therefore, health preservation should be returned from "movement" to "quiet" in order to reduce the consumption of vitality. At present, excessive learning, excessive stimulating entertainment activities and frequent communication activities of young students crowd out their rest time in the state of virtual rest, which leads to a series of physical and mental health problems. In order to maintain the physical and mental health of young students, we must guide them to study properly, entertain healthily and communicate with people reasonably.
【作者单位】: 哈尔滨师范大学教育科学学院;
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