[Abstract]:In recent years, with the deepening of the construction of digital campus in colleges and universities, the network center, digital library and other information institutions play a more and more important role in promoting the informatization of higher education and promoting the effective study of college students. E-learning from the beginning of only pay attention to scale expansion, gradually to pay attention to the effect of learning. The main purpose of this study is to explore the key factors influencing the effectiveness of online learning by quantitative method. In this study, first of all, through the research literature about network learning, the type of network learning to be studied in this paper is determined. This paper puts forward the evaluation indexes of the effectiveness of online learning, such as learning satisfaction, learning achievement, and analyzes the factors that affect e-learning from two angles of internal and external factors. The internal factors are from the learner's own perspective, including learning motivation, self-efficacy of network. The external factors include teacher guidance, network learning resources, and network learning platform. The hypotheses of this study are put forward based on these influencing factors. Based on the related research results, the questionnaire is compiled, and the field investigation is carried out on the college students of Liaoning normal University, and the primary research data are obtained. The correlation analysis method is used to determine the correlation degree between the influencing factors and the effectiveness of online learning. Finally, the regression analysis method is used to establish the model of the influencing factors of network learning satisfaction and academic achievement. The results show that learners' learning motivation, self-efficacy and learning strategies have a significant impact on learning satisfaction and learning achievement, and the ease of use of web-based learning platform has a significant impact on learning satisfaction. On the other hand, the fluency of network learning platform has a significant effect on learning achievement. Finally, the paper points out the internal relationship between the influencing factors and the effectiveness of network learning, and puts forward some suggestions for each influencing factor, hoping to provide a reference for the college students to carry on the network learning, in order to improve the actual effect of the network learning.
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