[Abstract]:Since the implementation of the special post plan in compulsory education in rural areas for more than five years, the ranks of special teachers in rural areas have been greatly expanded, but many problems have also been encountered in the process of construction. On the basis of analyzing the present situation of the construction of the special post teachers, this paper points out that there are some problems existing in the construction of the special post teachers, such as the imperfect establishment of the mechanism, the inadequacy of the implementation of the policies, the substandard quality of the special post teachers, and the lack of systematic service management, etc. From the aspects of perfecting the long-term mechanism of special post plan, ensuring the implementation of relevant policies, strictly recruiting and training special-post teachers, and strengthening the systematic management of special-post teachers, this paper puts forward some countermeasures for the construction of special-post teachers' ranks. The purpose of this paper is to strengthen the construction of special post teachers so as to further promote the balanced development of compulsory education in China, the construction of new rural areas and the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the country with talents.
【作者单位】: 辽宁师范大学;
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