[Abstract]:Self-display is a kind of goal-oriented process in which people influence others' impression of themselves by controlling information about themselves. In other words, when we try to guide others to see us in a specific way, we are showing ourselves. Middle school students are in the second peak of self-consciousness development, which is the key period of individual social development. Self-display is an activity for individuals to express their self-identity. Therefore, taking middle school students as subjects to examine their self-display behavior is not only helpful for us to better understand some of the social behavior characteristics of middle school students. And it is helpful for us to take corresponding measures to help middle school students overcome inappropriate behavior. In this study, middle school students were taken as subjects, and the subjects were matched in personality tendency, and the information disclosure situation and anonymous situation were set up. The scores of IM scale and the memory scores of the subjects were used as the criteria to measure the tendency of self-presentation and the degree of involvement of self-presentation, and the characteristics of self-display behavior of middle school students in different situations were examined. The results showed that: (1) there was no significant difference in the exaggeration of their social expectation behavior between the information disclosure situation and the anonymous situation; In the two situations, the gender difference of the subjects was not significant, but in the anonymous situation, the extroverted subjects exaggerated their social expectation behavior more than the introverted subjects, and the difference level reached the edge. (2) compared with anonymous situations, it takes more cognitive resources for subjects to display themselves in situations with high degree of information disclosure, and under the condition of information disclosure, women are more involved in expressing their social expectation behavior than those in men. In the two situations, there was no significant difference in the degree of self-presentation involvement among the subjects with different personality tendencies. (3) the influence of personality tendency on his self-presentation tendency is independent of the degree of his involvement in self-presentation.
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