发布时间:2018-03-27 05:07
本文选题:卫生设施 切入点:学生保健服务 出处:《中国学校卫生》2014年05期
【摘要】:目的探讨深圳市罗湖区课桌椅分配现状,为制定标准课桌椅分配方案提出参考。方法运用横断面研究,以学校为单位,随机抽取深圳市罗湖区16所中小学校,调查学生课桌椅匹配合格率和学生就坐符合情况,分析存在的问题。结果 16所学校中,公办学校使用的是升降式课桌椅,课椅使用的型号为1~6号,课桌使用的型号为1~8号;民办学校升降式课桌椅使用的型号为1~5号或3~9号,固定式课桌为5号、3号、2号,固定式课椅为6号、5号、2号。2013年上半年抽查的16所中小学校中,课桌合格率为35.56%,课椅合格率为39.94%,罗湖区的学校课桌椅分配合格率均较低。结论罗湖区中小学校课桌椅分配存在问题,应采购并分配使用与身高匹配的课桌椅。
[Abstract]:Objective to explore the present situation of desk and chair distribution in Luohu District, Shenzhen City, and to provide a reference for establishing a standard allocation scheme of desks and chairs. Methods 16 primary and secondary schools in Luohu District of Shenzhen City were randomly selected by cross-sectional study. Results among the 16 schools, the public schools used elevating desks and chairs, the models of class and chairs were 1 ~ 6, and the models of desks and desks were 1 ~ 8; The types of lifting desks and chairs used in private schools are 1 ~ 5 or 39, 5, 3, 2, 6, 5 and 2, respectively. In the first half of 2013, 16 primary and secondary schools were selected. The eligible rate of desk and chair is 35.566.The qualified rate of class and chair is 39.94, and the pass rate of school desk and chair distribution in Luohu District is lower. Conclusion there are some problems in the allocation of desks and chairs in Luohu district primary and secondary schools, which should be purchased and used to match their height.
【作者单位】: 广东省深圳市罗湖区卫生监督所;华中科技大学同济医学院;
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