[Abstract]:With the rapid development of education in our country, all kinds of schools at all levels throughout the country are carrying out the work of compiling and revising school records one after another, and truly record the development track of schools. The most basic function of school log is to reflect the history and present situation of the school, and to provide historical reference and realistic basis for the development of school education and curriculum reform. In order to improve the quality of compilation and revision of school records, and further promote the healthy and rapid development of all kinds of schools at all levels. This paper attempts to discuss and innovate in combination with the practice of compiling school records in recent years, and now states its own views in order to achieve the purpose of "throwing bricks and attracting jade". It is sincerely hoped that the same benevolence will not hesitate to give advice, and to jointly increase the quality of the newly compiled and educated schools in order to improve the quality of the newly compiled school.
【作者单位】: 崂山区王哥庄街道教育中心;
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