发布时间:2021-04-24 22:21
【文章页数】:97 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Purpose and significance of the research
1.3 Overall structure of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature review
2.1 Teacher questioning
2.1.1 Definition of teacher questioning
2.1.2 Types of questions
2.1.3 Questioning strategies
2.1.4 The function of teacher questioning
2.1.5 Teacher feedback
2.1.6 Relevant studies on teacher questioning
2.2 Effective questioning
2.2.1 The definition of effective questioning
2.2.2 The criteria of effective questioning
2.3 Theoretical basis
2.3.1 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis
2.3.2 Swan’s Output Hypothesis
2.4 Stages of English reading
2.4.1 Pre-reading
2.4.2 While-reading
2.4.3 Post-reading
2.5 Student participation
2.5.1 The definition of student participation
2.5.2 The content of student participation
2.6 Summary
Chapter Three Research methodology and methods
3.1 Research questions
3.2 Research participants
3.3 Research instruments
3.3.1 Questionnaires
3.3.2 Classroom observation
3.3.3 Interview
3.4 Research procedures
3.4.1 Overview of the research
3.4.2 Questionnaires for students
3.4.3 Classroom observation
3.4.4 Interview on students
3.5 Data collection and analysis
Chapter Four Data analysis and discussion
4.1 Analysis and discussion of teacher questioning
4.1.1 Analysis and discussion of questionnaire on teacher questioning
4.1.2 Analysis and discussion of classroom observation on teacher questioning
4.2 Analysis and discussion of student participation
4.2.1 Analysis and discussion of student participation
4.2.2 Results and analysis of interview on student participation
4.3 Analysis and discussion of effective questioning
4.3.1 Analysis and discussion of questionnaire on effective questioning
4.3.2 Analysis and discussion of interview on effective questioning
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Pedagogical implications
5.3 Limitations of the study
5.4 Suggestions for further study
AppendixⅠ Questionnaire for the current situation of teacher questioning in Englishreading class(Chinese version)
AppendixⅠ Questionnaire for the current situation of teacher questioning in Englishreading class(English version)
AppendixⅡQuestionnaire for student participation in English reading class(Chineseversion)
AppendixⅡ Questionnaire for student participation in English reading class(English version)
AppendixⅢ Questionnaire for the effective questioning(Chinese version)
AppendixⅢ Questionnaire for the effective questioning(English version)
AppendixⅣ The scale of classroom observation
AppendixⅤ Record of classroom observation(types of questions)
AppendixⅥ Record of classroom observation(questioning strategies)
AppendixⅦ Record of classroom observation(teacher feedback)
AppendixⅧ Interview outline
The list of the research papers published by author
[1]阅读课堂提问的认知特征与思辨能力培养[J]. 杨莉芳. 中国外语. 2015(02)
[2]中学英语课堂教师反馈语的类型与特征研究[J]. 林正军,周沙. 外语教学理论与实践. 2011(03)
[3]阅读教学课堂提问设计:普遍存在的问题与改进策略[J]. 祝新华. 课程.教材.教法. 2009(10)
[4]高中英语课堂提问技巧[J]. 王晓. 教育革新. 2006(01)
[5]大学英语教师课堂提问模式调查分析[J]. 胡青球,埃德·尼可森,陈炜. 外语界. 2004(06)
[6]通过有效提问 促进学生思维发展[J]. 李志厚. 教育导刊. 2004(09)
[7]高中英语课堂中的提问策略[J]. 王晓纹. 兰州学刊. 2004(04)
[8]高中英语任务型阅读活动 课堂教学模式与案例分析[J]. 郑秋秋. 课程.教材.教法. 2003(12)
[9]课堂提问应注重有效性的基本原则[J]. 于君凤. 辽宁商务职业学院学报(社会科学版). 2003(02)
[10]大学英语课堂教师话语的调查与分析[J]. 周星,周韵. 外语教学与研究. 2002(01)
[1]高等医学院校教师课堂教学质量综合评价方法的研究[D]. 黄国琼.第三军医大学 2001
【文章页数】:97 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Purpose and significance of the research
1.3 Overall structure of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature review
2.1 Teacher questioning
2.1.1 Definition of teacher questioning
2.1.2 Types of questions
2.1.3 Questioning strategies
2.1.4 The function of teacher questioning
2.1.5 Teacher feedback
2.1.6 Relevant studies on teacher questioning
2.2 Effective questioning
2.2.1 The definition of effective questioning
2.2.2 The criteria of effective questioning
2.3 Theoretical basis
2.3.1 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis
2.3.2 Swan’s Output Hypothesis
2.4 Stages of English reading
2.4.1 Pre-reading
2.4.2 While-reading
2.4.3 Post-reading
2.5 Student participation
2.5.1 The definition of student participation
2.5.2 The content of student participation
2.6 Summary
Chapter Three Research methodology and methods
3.1 Research questions
3.2 Research participants
3.3 Research instruments
3.3.1 Questionnaires
3.3.2 Classroom observation
3.3.3 Interview
3.4 Research procedures
3.4.1 Overview of the research
3.4.2 Questionnaires for students
3.4.3 Classroom observation
3.4.4 Interview on students
3.5 Data collection and analysis
Chapter Four Data analysis and discussion
4.1 Analysis and discussion of teacher questioning
4.1.1 Analysis and discussion of questionnaire on teacher questioning
4.1.2 Analysis and discussion of classroom observation on teacher questioning
4.2 Analysis and discussion of student participation
4.2.1 Analysis and discussion of student participation
4.2.2 Results and analysis of interview on student participation
4.3 Analysis and discussion of effective questioning
4.3.1 Analysis and discussion of questionnaire on effective questioning
4.3.2 Analysis and discussion of interview on effective questioning
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Pedagogical implications
5.3 Limitations of the study
5.4 Suggestions for further study
AppendixⅠ Questionnaire for the current situation of teacher questioning in Englishreading class(Chinese version)
AppendixⅠ Questionnaire for the current situation of teacher questioning in Englishreading class(English version)
AppendixⅡQuestionnaire for student participation in English reading class(Chineseversion)
AppendixⅡ Questionnaire for student participation in English reading class(English version)
AppendixⅢ Questionnaire for the effective questioning(Chinese version)
AppendixⅢ Questionnaire for the effective questioning(English version)
AppendixⅣ The scale of classroom observation
AppendixⅤ Record of classroom observation(types of questions)
AppendixⅥ Record of classroom observation(questioning strategies)
AppendixⅦ Record of classroom observation(teacher feedback)
AppendixⅧ Interview outline
The list of the research papers published by author
[1]阅读课堂提问的认知特征与思辨能力培养[J]. 杨莉芳. 中国外语. 2015(02)
[2]中学英语课堂教师反馈语的类型与特征研究[J]. 林正军,周沙. 外语教学理论与实践. 2011(03)
[3]阅读教学课堂提问设计:普遍存在的问题与改进策略[J]. 祝新华. 课程.教材.教法. 2009(10)
[4]高中英语课堂提问技巧[J]. 王晓. 教育革新. 2006(01)
[5]大学英语教师课堂提问模式调查分析[J]. 胡青球,埃德·尼可森,陈炜. 外语界. 2004(06)
[6]通过有效提问 促进学生思维发展[J]. 李志厚. 教育导刊. 2004(09)
[7]高中英语课堂中的提问策略[J]. 王晓纹. 兰州学刊. 2004(04)
[8]高中英语任务型阅读活动 课堂教学模式与案例分析[J]. 郑秋秋. 课程.教材.教法. 2003(12)
[9]课堂提问应注重有效性的基本原则[J]. 于君凤. 辽宁商务职业学院学报(社会科学版). 2003(02)
[10]大学英语课堂教师话语的调查与分析[J]. 周星,周韵. 外语教学与研究. 2002(01)
[1]高等医学院校教师课堂教学质量综合评价方法的研究[D]. 黄国琼.第三军医大学 2001