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  本文关键词:幼儿园家长开放日活动的研究 出处:《上海师范大学》2007年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 幼儿园课程 一日活动 家长开放日 家园合作 儿童发展

【摘要】: 幼儿园家长开放日活动指的是幼儿园在特定的时间里向家长开放园内外的各种教育教学活动。对幼儿园家长开放日活动进行研究,旨在探寻家长开放日活动的特点和规律,分析家长开放日活动存在的问题和制约因素,提出改进家长开放日活动的建议和策略,以充分利用家庭资源,优化幼儿园的课程建设,提高开放日活动的质量,促进教师、家长和幼儿的共同成长。 论文首先对国内外学者关于幼儿园家长开放日活动的研究成果进行了梳理和总结,评析了这些研究成果的主要特点和不足之处,阐述了这些研究成果对本研究的一些启示。论文还分别对后现代课程理论、生物生态学理论以及社会互动理论进行了简介和剖析,为深入系统地研究幼儿园家长开放日活动提供了坚实宽广的理论基础。 论文选用了问卷法、访问法、观察法和文献法,广泛收集来自园长、教师、家长、幼儿和其他幼儿教育工作者关于幼儿园家长开放日活动的各种信息,把定量研究和定性研究有机地结合起来,实现了多种资料收集方法和多种资料来源的“三角互证”,提高了研究的信度和效度。 论文从不同的视角展开了对幼儿园家长开放日活动的研究,以开放日活动的运作程序为经线,全面探索了活动的筹划工作、实施过程、绩效评价和价值取向;以开放日活动的出席人员为纬线,深入探讨了教师、家长、幼儿、园长、其他幼儿教育工作者的教育观念和教育行为。在此基础上,本研究发现了幼儿园家长开放日活动取得的成效(如活动目的明确、活动结构合理、评价主体多元、关注活动的特殊性)、存在的问题(如活动环境不够丰富、活动组织比较单调、评价指标较为单一、注重活动的表演性)、影响因素(如管理观、教育观、和幼儿的交往方式、压力、教育法规、评估标准、一日活动安排、办园条件)和多种功能(如发展幼儿的运动能力、语言能力、情感和社会性)。论文还分别对幼儿教育的管理机构、评估机构、科研机构、师资培训机构以及幼儿园提出了一系列改革建议,以便把各方面的力量集聚起来,形成教育的合力,完善幼儿园的家长开放日活动。 论文最后还指出了研究的创新性和局限性,并提出了今后预计研究的几个问题。
[Abstract]:Kindergarten parents Open Day activities refer to the kindergarten in a specific time to open to parents inside and outside a variety of educational activities. The study of kindergarten parents open day activities. The purpose of this paper is to explore the characteristics and rules of parents' open day activities, analyze the problems and restrictive factors of parents' open day activities, and put forward suggestions and strategies to improve parents' open day activities in order to make full use of family resources. To optimize the curriculum construction of kindergartens, improve the quality of open day activities, and promote the common growth of teachers, parents and children. First of all, the domestic and foreign scholars on the kindergarten parents' open day research results were combed and summarized, and analyzed the main characteristics and shortcomings of these research results. The paper also introduces the postmodern curriculum theory, the biological ecology theory and the social interaction theory. It provides a solid and broad theoretical basis for the in-depth and systematic study of kindergarten parents' open day activities. The paper selects questionnaire, interview, observation and literature methods to collect all kinds of information about kindergarten parents' open day activities from garden directors, teachers, parents, children and other early childhood educators. By combining quantitative and qualitative studies, the "triangular cross-validation" of various data collection methods and data sources has been realized, and the reliability and validity of the research have been improved. From different perspectives, the paper studies the activities of kindergarten parents' open day, taking the operation procedure of the open day as the meridian, and explores the planning work, implementation process, performance evaluation and value orientation of the activities in an all-round way. Taking the participants of the open day as the line, this paper discusses in depth the educational concepts and behaviors of teachers, parents, young children, school directors and other early childhood educators. This study found the effect of kindergarten parents' open day activities (such as clear purpose, reasonable structure of activities, multiple evaluation subjects, attention to the particularity of activities, problems (such as the activity environment is not rich enough). The activity organization is relatively monotonous, the evaluation index is relatively single, pays attention to the activity performance, the influence factor (for example, the management view, the education view, and the young child's communication way, the pressure, the education law, the appraisal standard. In 1st, the organization of activities, the conditions of running the garden) and various functions (such as the development of children's sports ability, language ability, emotional and social etc.). Teacher training institutions and kindergartens have put forward a series of reform proposals in order to gather all aspects of the forces to form a resultant force in education and to perfect the kindergarten parents' open day activities. Finally, the paper points out the innovation and limitation of the research, and puts forward some problems to be studied in the future.


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