发布时间:2018-01-18 04:11
本文关键词:幼儿叙事能力发展的个案追踪研究 出处:《基础教育》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Narration is the narration story, is one kind of essential characteristic of the young child's thinking pattern; Narrative ability is the most basic ability that children must develop. In the natural situation without adult external pressure, the development of narrative ability of individual cases has the following characteristics: the development of children's narrative ability originates from their life experience; On different themes, the narrative ability of the same child is significantly different; The content and ability of children's early reading have a direct impact on the development of their narrative ability; The narrative structure of children basically follows the order of time; Therefore, adults should demonstrate and encourage children to tell their own life experience, and properly guide children to pay attention to the inner logic in the reading material. Take seriously the emotion that young children show in narration.
【作者单位】: 上海师范大学教育学院;
【正文快照】: 一、幼儿的思维本质上是一种叙事性思维(一)叙事的本质是讲述一系列按时间顺序发生的事件叙事即讲述故事,是说话者把一系列现实的或虚构的事件以发生的次序关联起来的话语。[1]4-7其中,“故事”可以是真实的也可以是虚构的,但必须是一系列按时间顺序发生的事件。因此,若我们只
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