本文关键词: 学前儿童 图画 意图 认知发展 美术欣赏教育 出处:《华东师范大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 随着读图时代的到来,研究儿童如何理解图画显示了越来越重要的意义。了解学前儿童对图画作者意图的认知发展特点,有助于我们全面深入地了解儿童审美心理的发展,更有效地指导幼儿园的美术教育实践,同时,也进一步充实有关儿童意图理解的发展性研究。 本研究在前人研究的基础上,以上海市学前儿童为研究对象,从以下三个问题出发,系统地考察儿童对图画作者意图的理解能力及发展特点: 第一,学前儿童对图画能够反映作者意图的意识,即学前儿童何时意识到图画是带有意图的? 第二,学前儿童对作者意图与图画间关系的认知,即学前儿童在理解图画时,能否以及如何借鉴作者的意图? 第三,不同欣赏者对图画作者意图的认识可能不同——学龄前儿童的认知,即学前儿童何时开始意识到不同欣赏者对同一图画作者意图的认识可能不同,其发展特点如何? 研究结果表明: (1)3岁儿童已经能够意识到图画是带有意图的; (2)面对具有生活情境性的两可动作图画时,大部份3岁儿童已经能够摆脱自身的想法而参考作者的意图对其进行解释; (3)面对知觉信息不完整的图画时,儿童从4岁开始能够不依赖主观猜测,参考作者的意图对其进行解释。 (4)面对两可形状图时,如果儿童对图画的知觉与作者的意图不一致,3-6岁儿童均难以摆脱自身知觉的引导而参考作者意图解释图画; (5)当作者的意图体现在图画内容上时,4岁儿童己经能够意识到不同欣赏者对同一图画作者意图的认识可能不同; (6)当作者的意图体现在图画寓意上时,大部分儿童要到6岁之后才能意识到不同欣赏者对同一图画作者意图的认识可能不同,这与儿童解释性心理理论的获得有关。 (7)学前儿童对于图画作者意图的理解能力随着年龄的增长呈现出逐渐提高的趋势。 (8)学前儿童对图画意图的认知没有呈现出明显的性别差异。 最后,在研究发现的基础上,本文对学前儿童美术欣赏教育的开展以及如何利用美术欣赏活动促进儿童意图理解能力的发展等方面进行了思考,并提出了相应的建议。
[Abstract]:With the advent of the age of picture reading, the study of how children understand pictures has become more and more important. It is helpful for us to fully understand the development of children's aesthetic psychology, to guide the art education practice of kindergarten more effectively, and to enrich the developmental research on children's intention understanding. On the basis of previous studies, this study, taking preschool children in Shanghai as the research object, systematically examines children's ability to understand the intention of picture writers and their developmental characteristics from the following three aspects: First, preschool children's awareness of the picture can reflect the author's intention, that is, when does the preschool child realize that the picture has intention? Second, preschool children's cognition of the relationship between the author's intention and the picture, that is, whether and how to learn from the author's intention when understanding the picture? Third, different appreciators may have different perceptions of the intention of the picture author-the perception of preschool children, that is, when preschool children begin to realize that different appreciators may have different perceptions of the intention of the same picture author. What are the characteristics of its development? The results show that: A 3-year-old child has been able to realize that the picture is intended; (2) in the face of the two-action picture with life context, most 3-year-old children have been able to get rid of their own idea and explain it with reference to the author's intention; (3) in the face of incomplete picture of perceptual information, children from the age of 4 can explain it without relying on subjective guesses and referring to the author's intention. (4) in the face of two shapes, if the child's perception of the picture is inconsistent with the author's intention, it is difficult for children aged 3-6 years to get rid of the guidance of their own perception and refer to the author's intention to explain the picture; 5) when the author's intention is reflected in the content of the picture, the 4-year-old child has been able to realize that different appreciators may have different understandings of the intention of the same picture author; (6) when the author's intention is embodied in the moral of the picture, most children do not realize until after the age of 6 that different appreciators may have different perceptions of the intention of the same picture writer. This is related to the acquisition of children's explanatory theory of mind. (7) Preschool children's ability to understand the intention of picture writers increases with age. (8) there was no significant gender difference in preschool children's perception of picture intention. Finally, on the basis of the findings of the study, this paper discusses the development of preschool children's art appreciation education and how to use art appreciation activities to promote the development of children's intention understanding ability. The corresponding suggestions are put forward.
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