本文关键词: 幼儿 同伴冲突解决策略 父母教养方式 教育建议 社会技能 出处:《山东师范大学》2007年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 冲突解决能力是幼儿同伴交往中的一项非常重要的社会技能,其水平高低直接影响到幼儿同伴关系的质量和社会适应状况。如果冲突以双方协商与合作的方式解决,那么在冲突解决的过程中,孩子能逐渐学会考虑他人的观点和需要,学会谦让、协商、互助与合作,提高社会交往能力。反之,如果冲突以强制或攻击的方式解决,那么这些冲突的发生对孩子的健康发展只会起到消极的影响。近年来,国内外许多学者从冲突解决策略取向的维度出发对儿童同伴冲突问题的解决进行了研究,研究均表明影响个体采取何种问题解决策略的因素很多,比如家庭、文化传统、个性特点、性别差异以及冲突双方的亲密程度等都会影响到解决策略的应用。本论文首先对国内外有关幼儿同伴冲突解决策略的研究做详尽的文献综述,同时,对已有研究中存在的问题进行分析,在此基础上,提出本研究的问题,并以中国幼儿为被试进行了两项实证考察,即采用个别测查的方法,探讨3-5岁幼儿同伴冲突问题解决策略的发展特点,并进一步探讨幼儿父母教养方式与幼儿同伴冲突解决策略的关系。本研究在所得研究结果的基础上,提出了对父母家庭教育和教师幼儿园教育工作的几点建议,以期促进幼儿社会技能和人际适应能力的提高。 研究I采用个别测查法,让幼儿自由地对假设同伴冲突问题提出解决策略,考察幼儿同伴冲突解决策略的发展特点。 研究II采用问卷法,由幼儿的母亲填写父母教养方式问卷,从而考察父母教养方式与幼儿同伴冲突解决策略的关系。 综合两项研究的结果表明: 1、幼儿对各种同伴冲突问题提出解决策略的能力均随年龄增长而增强,而且随着幼儿年龄的增长,他们对同伴冲突问题的合作与协商策略呈现增长趋势。幼儿对物品或空间冲突问题的应对能力比其他同伴冲突问题的应对能力更强。 2、妥协或让步策略是幼儿面对同伴冲突问题时的主要解决策略,但是幼儿对不同同伴冲突问题的解决策略之间也存在一定差异:在物品与空间冲突、干涉控制冲突中幼儿均较多提出强制或直接攻击策略,在游戏冲突中较多提出合作与协商策略,在故意挑衅冲突中较多提出求助第三者策略。 3、面对同伴冲突问题,女孩更多提出求助第三者策略,而男孩则更多提出妥协或让步策略。 4、男孩对同性和异性同伴冲突问题均较多提出强制或直接攻击策略;女孩对同性同伴冲突问题较多提出强制或直接攻击策略,而对异性同伴冲突问题则较多提出求助第三者策略。 5、好朋友冲突问题中,幼儿更多提出合作与协商策略,而在普通同伴冲突问题中更多提出言语请求或解释策略、求助第三者策略、强制或直接攻击策略。 6、受欢迎幼儿更多提出合作与协商策略,而被拒绝幼儿更多提出强制或直接攻击策略。 7、父母对5岁组幼儿的说理行为要高于3岁组和4岁组。 8、幼儿父母的权威教养方式显著高于其专制教养方式。 9、父母的随和行为越多,则幼儿提出合作与协商策略的数量越多;父母的体罚行为或言语攻击行为越多,则幼儿提出强制或直接攻击策略的数量越多。
[Abstract]:Conflict solving ability is a very important social skills in children's intercourse, which directly affects the level of children's peer relationship quality and social adaptation. If conflict resolution by negotiation and cooperation, so in the process of conflict resolution, children can gradually learn to consider the views of others and needs. Learn humility, negotiation, mutual aid and cooperation, improve the ability of social communication. On the contrary, if the conflict resolution by force or direct attack, then the occurrence of these conflicts for the healthy development of children will have a negative impact. In recent years, many scholars at home and abroad from the conflict resolution strategy orientation dimensions to solve peer conflict the problem is studied, results show that the influence of the individual to take what strategies to solve many problems, the factors such as family, culture, personality characteristics, gender difference and impact Sudden intimacy degree will influence the application of resolution strategies. Firstly, the domestic and foreign related literature review peer conflict resolution strategy, detailed research at the same time, the existing problems in the research are analyzed, on this basis, put forward the research question, and to Chinese children as subjects the study of two empirical studies, namely the individual test method, discuss the solution strategies in 3-5 year old infant conflict, and to further explore the children's parenting style and peer conflict resolution strategies. This study on the basis of research results, and puts forward some suggestions for parents and family education the kindergarten teacher education, in order to promote children's social skills and interpersonal ability.
The study of I uses individual testing methods to make children free to propose solutions to the hypothesis of peer conflict and to investigate the development characteristics of children's peer conflict solutions.
A questionnaire was used in the study of II by the mother of children to fill out the parental rearing style questionnaire, so as to investigate the relationship between parental rearing patterns and children's peer conflict resolution strategies.
The results of the two comprehensive studies show that:
1 children, proposes the solution strategy ability were increased with age increased to the problem of conflict, and with the increasing age, they are on the problem of conflict cooperation and negotiation strategies showed an increasing trend. The ability for objects or spatial conflicts in children than other peer conflict coping ability.
2, the strategy of compromise is the main strategy to solve the problem of conflict when children face, but there are also some differences between the strategies to solve the problem of conflict of different children in conflict: object and space, interference control conflicts in infant more often use the strategy of force or direct attack, in the game more conflict in the strategy of cooperation and negotiation and in the provocation collision more help the third strategies.
3, in the face of peer conflict, girls put forward more strategies to help third parties, while boys put forward more compromise or concession strategies.
4, boys often put forward compulsory or direct attack strategies for peer conflicts between girls and opposite sex. Girls often put forward strategies of coercive or direct attack on gay peer conflicts, while for the opposite sex peer conflict, they asked for more third strategies.
5, in the conflict of good friends, children put forward more cooperative and negotiation strategies, while in common peer conflict, they put forward more requests for speech or explanation strategies, and asked for third strategies, coercion or direct attack strategy.
6, the welcome children put forward more cooperation and consultation strategies, and were refused children to put forward more coercive or direct attack strategies.
7, parents were higher than the 3 year old group and the 4 year old group for the 5 year old children.
8, the parental rearing style of children's parents is significantly higher than that of their autocratic upbringing.
9, the more the parents' easy-going behavior is, the more the children put forward cooperative and negotiation strategies. The more corporal punishment behavior or verbal aggression behavior is, the more quantity of children's compulsive or direct attack strategy is.
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