本文选题:农民工随迁子女 切入点:普惠性学前教育 出处:《学前教育研究》2013年02期
[Abstract]:At present, there are a large number of preschool education institutions for migrant workers' children in Beijing, which meet the needs of most of them to receive pre-school education. These institutions have the following three characteristics: full coverage, low fees, etc. The provision of basic and quality pre-school education. These institutions of pre-school education with children on the move are in line with the concepts of equality and equity in education and are therefore an inclusive pre-school institution... however, At present, preschool education institutions with moving children are faced with "reasonable and illegal" status, which is due to the fact that the admission criteria for kindergartens in Beijing are relatively single. Lack of standards suitable for pre-school education institutions for such children. In the future, they should be oriented towards inclusiveness and set appropriate standards of access for them, From a number of aspects, the policy document "interim provisions of Beijing Municipality for holding Small-Scale kindergartens" (2011) should be made more scientific, such as abolishing the restrictions on the household registration of the organizers, setting different levels of registered capital standards, and prescribing the number of teachers who are in line with the actual situation. Adjust the regulations on the size of kindergartens and bring non-formal preschool education institutions into the management system.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学教育学部;
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