本文选题:成人游戏引导 切入点:叙事性角色游戏 出处:《学前教育研究》2014年04期
[Abstract]:According to Vygoski's theory of game and the theory of proximal development area, adults play an important role in guiding children's play.In toddler games, if adults can not grasp the child's proximal development area, it means that the game participation fails.Only by adopting the appropriate method to promote the development of the area of children's game development, the adult can become the "outstanding" supporter of the child's game.On the basis of 7 years' experimental research, this study has found that the effective ways and strategies of adult intervention in the development of children's play have the following remarkable characteristics: it can stimulate common themes, play an appropriate role in the game;Can be fully engaged, emotional participation; and children between the role of dialogue and interaction; the creation of the game plot Zhang Chi has power; the script is orderly, the plot is wonderful; can carefully design the timing of role play intervention.The preschool teacher education curriculum should avoid the malpractice of disconnection between theory and practice, and strengthen the training of preschool teachers' guidance and intervention in children's play ability.
【作者单位】: 立陶宛教育科学大学教学心理学系;奥卢大学卡尼亚教师教育系;山东英才学院学前教育研究院;
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