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发布时间:2018-04-05 00:29

  本文选题:教育管理体制 切入点:学前教育 出处:《学前教育研究》2013年06期

[Abstract]:At present, there are some problems in the management system of preschool education in our country, such as the unclear orientation of government responsibilities, the unreasonable division of powers and responsibilities between governments at all levels and various government departments, the imperfect setting of management institutions and personnel, the imperfect supervision system, and so on.It has become an institutional obstacle restricting the healthy development of preschool education in China.With the continuous development of the reform of financial management system and educational management system, the management system of preschool education in China is facing unprecedented challenges, so it is imperative to reform.The basic direction of the reform of preschool education management system in China should be to promote fairness, guarantee quality, clarify the leading responsibility of the government, realize the transformation of government function, implement performance management, and take into account the situation of our country in stages and advance steadily in different regions.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学教育学部;河北大学教育学院;


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