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发布时间:2018-05-27 02:19

  本文选题:幼儿园 + 游戏活动 ; 参考:《西南师范大学》2004年硕士论文

【摘要】: 自20世纪80年代以来,有关师生互动的研究越来越受到国内外研究者的普遍关注,并日益成为世界性的重要课题。目前我国虽然对幼儿园师生互动有一些研究,但是实证研究还很薄弱。已有研究也主要是集中在幼儿园一日活动的研究上。幼儿在幼儿园中的活动主要包括教育活动、游戏活动和生活活动三个部分。游戏与儿童身心发展有着密切的关系。游戏的过程是孩子发展的过程,其中隐藏着重要的教育动因,内含着教育的契机。对游戏活动中师生互动行为进行深入、系统的研究,,不仅可以全面揭示其师生互动的特点与普遍规律,丰富心理学和教育学的有关理论,而且可以为深化幼教改革特别是促进幼儿园游戏活动中积极师生互动的建构提供科学依据,从而促进儿童全面、健康的发展。 本研究在借鉴国内外师生互动的研究成果的基础上,采用文献法、观察法、访谈法对重庆市主城区幼儿园游戏活动中的师生互动行为进行了研究,结果如下: 1.在师生互动的主体问题上,师生双方的主体地位和主动性的发挥程度有显著差异。教师居于更为主动和优越的地位,而幼儿则相对被动。其中,教师在师生互动中的行为性质和敏感性程度,直接影响幼儿在师生互动中的主体地位和主体性的发挥。 2.在师生互动的内容上,教师发起的互动内容以询问为最多,要求、提醒或指令、指导和帮助与约束纪律次之。而在幼儿发起的互动内容中,展示活动或活动结果最多,告白、寻求指导和帮助、与教师共同游戏等次之。 3.在师生互动的性质上,师生互动发起行为以中性行为最多,积极行为次之,消极行为最少。师生互动反馈行为同样是以中性行为最多,积极行为次之,其次为无反应行为,消极行为最少。这表明在游戏活动特定的轻松氛围和相对无拘无束的环境中,教师和幼儿的消极行为相对要少,但也正因为此,游戏活动中的中性性质的行为尤其多,且多为一些空泛或无实际意义的互动,互动的实际效果并不理想。 本研究针对实际中存在的问题,提出了一些建设性的建议,以期更好地促进游戏活动中师生关系的发展,从而为促进幼儿在游戏中得到更好地发展提供一定的理论基础。
[Abstract]:Since the 1980s, the research on teacher-student interaction has been paid more and more attention by researchers at home and abroad, and has become an important topic in the world. Although there are some researches on teacher-student interaction in kindergartens, the empirical research is still very weak. The existing research is also mainly focused on the study of one-day kindergarten activities. The activities of children in kindergarten mainly include three parts: educational activities, game activities and life activities. Play is closely related to children's physical and mental development. The process of play is the process of children's development, which hides the important educational motivation and contains the opportunity of education. A thorough and systematic study of teacher-student interaction in game activities can not only fully reveal the characteristics and general laws of teacher-student interaction, but also enrich the relevant theories of psychology and pedagogy. Moreover, it can provide scientific basis for deepening the reform of preschool education, especially to promote the construction of active teacher-student interaction in kindergarten games, thus promoting the all-round and healthy development of children. Based on the research results of teacher-student interaction at home and abroad, this study uses literature method, observation method and interview method to study the teacher-student interaction behavior in the game activities of kindergartens in Chongqing's main urban areas. The results are as follows: 1. On the subject of teacher-student interaction, there are significant differences in the main position and initiative between teachers and students. Teachers are more active and superior, while young children are relatively passive. Among them, the nature and sensitivity of teachers' behavior in teacher-student interaction directly affect the subjective position and subjectivity of children in teacher-student interaction. 2. In the content of teacher-student interaction, the most interactive content initiated by teachers is inquiry, requiring, reminding or instructing, instructing and assisting and restraining discipline. Among the interactive contents initiated by children, the results of activities or activities are the most, confession, guidance and help, games with teachers, etc. 3. In the nature of teacher-student interaction, neutral behavior is the most, positive behavior is the second, and negative behavior is the least. The interaction feedback behavior of teachers and students is also the most neutral behavior, the second is positive behavior, the second is non-reaction behavior, and the least is negative behavior. This suggests that teachers and young children have relatively few negative behaviors in the particular relaxed atmosphere and relatively unfettered environment of the game, but that is why the neutral nature of the game is particularly prevalent. And most of the interaction is empty or no practical significance, the actual effect of interaction is not ideal. Aiming at the problems in practice, this study puts forward some constructive suggestions in order to better promote the development of teacher-student relationship in game activities, thus providing a certain theoretical basis for the better development of children in the game.


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