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发布时间:2018-05-29 12:24

  本文选题:箱庭干预 + 儿童的行为问题 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2008年硕士论文

【摘要】: 儿童行为问题是指童年期出现的在严重程度和持续时间都超过了儿童相应的年龄所允许的正常范围的异常行为。儿童行为问题不但影响儿童的学习、日常生活和社会活动,还可以导致成人期社会的适应不良、情绪障碍、药物滥用、违法犯罪和精神疾病。儿童行为问题已受到社会各界的广泛关注。游戏是儿童的语言,游戏治疗以游戏为媒介,让儿童通过游戏自然表达自己的感情,暴露问题,并解除困扰。儿童在游戏疗法中学会自我控制、自我指导、自由表达、接纳自我、更有创造性等。箱庭疗法是游戏疗法的一种形式,儿童在治疗者所创造的“自由和受保护”的空间内利用沙、水和玩具模型游戏,有利于儿童自由地表达情感,有利于引发儿童的想象和唤醒他们的自我治愈潜能。本研究从儿童行为问题出发,通过个案研究法,探讨箱庭疗法对行为问题儿童的干预效果。整个研究内容如下: 第一部分主要阐述了儿童行为问题概念、儿童行为问题产生的相关因素以及儿童行为问题的干预措施。并且,结合以往对箱庭疗法的研究,探讨箱庭疗法在儿童行为问题中运用的可能性。 第二部分介绍了本研究的研究方法。主要采用教师提名法和Rutter儿童行为量表对大连市某幼儿园的大、中、小三个班的幼儿进行了儿童行为问题的调查问卷,设定筛选标准,筛选出问题较严重的5名幼儿,并对5名幼儿的行为问卷量表得分进行了前后测比较。 第三部分是个案箱庭干预的结果与分析。本研究从箱庭的创伤主题、治愈主题和转化主题等三个维度进行分析。采用Rutter儿童行为量表的前后测对比,结合教师的评价和箱庭主题特征的变化有效的改善了儿童的行为问题。 本研究得出的结论: 1.箱庭疗法能够有效的促进学前儿童行为问题的改善。 2.行为问题儿童的初始箱庭受伤主题明显。 3.行为问题儿童的最终箱庭治愈主题明显。 4.学前儿童对箱庭作品主题概念不清,自我概念尚不确定。
[Abstract]:Child behavior problem refers to the abnormal behavior that occurs in childhood in both severity and duration beyond the normal range allowed by the child's corresponding age. Children's behavior problems not only affect children's learning, daily life and social activities, but also lead to social maladjustment, emotional disorders, drug abuse, crime and mental illness in adulthood. The problem of children's behavior has attracted wide attention from all walks of life. Game is the language of children, game therapy is game as a medium, let children naturally express their feelings through the game, expose problems, and relieve their troubles. Children learn self-control, self-guidance, free expression, self-acceptance and creativity in game therapy. Box therapy is a form of game therapy in which children use sand, water and toy model games in the "free and protected" space created by the healer, which is conducive to the child's free expression of emotion. Help to arouse children's imagination and awaken their self-healing potential. In this study, the intervention effect of box-court therapy on children with behavioral problems was discussed by case study. The contents of the study are as follows: The first part mainly expounds the concept of child behavior problems, the related factors of children behavior problems and the intervention measures of children behavior problems. In addition, the possibility of the use of box-court therapy in children's behavioral problems is discussed in the light of previous studies on box-court therapy. The second part introduces the research methods of this study. Using teacher nomination method and Rutter child behavior scale, a questionnaire of children's behavior problems in a kindergarten in Dalian was conducted, and five children with serious problems were selected by setting screening criteria. The behavioral questionnaire scores of 5 children were compared before and after. The third part is the result and analysis of case-box intervention. This study was analyzed from three dimensions: trauma theme, healing theme and transformation theme. The children's behavior problems were effectively improved by using the Rutter children's behavior scale before and after the comparison, combined with the teachers' evaluation and the change of the box's thematic characteristics. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Box-court therapy can effectively promote the improvement of preschool children's behavior problems. 2. The theme of initial chamber injury in children with behavioral problems was obvious. 3. The theme of final cures for children with behavioral problems is obvious. 4. Preschool children are not clear about the theme of box-court works, and self-concept is still uncertain.


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1 罗艳红;蔡太生;;沙盘游戏治疗在我国临床中的应用[J];医学与哲学(B);2012年01期

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1 张文文;社会退缩幼儿的沙盘游戏特征与干预研究[D];华东师范大学;2010年

2 王永丽;生涯信念不良大学生初始箱庭作品特征及个案干预研究[D];辽宁师范大学;2011年




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