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发布时间:2018-05-30 00:26

  本文选题:人本主义 + 幼儿园教师 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 幼儿园教师职后培训是幼儿教育改革、终身教育的社会必然,其直接关系到整个幼教事业的发展。文章在已有研究的基础上,主要从人本主义理论的视角来审视幼儿园教师职后培训的问题,构建人本主义理论视角下幼儿园教师职后培训的价值取向,并从人本主义理论的视角提出幼儿园教师职后培训的转型对策。 论文以山西省在职教师为研究对象进行了分析。第一章绪论主要介绍了问题的提出和研究设计。第二章是对人本主义理论和幼儿园教师职后培训的文献综述,并提出幼儿园教师职后培训的人本主义理论思考。 第三章在问卷调查和访谈基础上对幼儿园教师职后培训的问题进行人本主义分析。主要从幼儿园教师职后培训的基本现状、幼儿园教师职后培训的目的、内容、方式、时间、评价、管理等方面入手进行了详尽的问题分析。在此基础上,第四章分析人本主义理论视角下幼儿园教师职后培训的价值取向,系统地阐述了以教师为本、情智一体、与教师需求相一致、以教师自我实现为目的的人本主义培训价值取向。 在以上章节分析的基础上,第五章提出人本主义理论视角下幼儿园教师职后培训转型对策。从社会、机构、教师三个方面进行系统的阐述,社会对策中提出首先要加强培训的制度化建设,这是进行以人为本培训的前提条件,其次要营造全社会关注的培训环境。机构对策从幼儿园和社会培训机构角度进行分析,重点讨论了幼儿园作为教师所在组织和培训机构的对策,因为认识到幼儿园是教师职后培训的主要载体和组织者。从营造幼儿园以人为本的文化氛围、实现园本培训向师本培训范式转型、加强教师需要调查进行以教师为本的培训规划、加强教师培训情感的建设、实现培训自我实现目的、加强培训效果管理等六个方面进行了对策性建议。社会培训机构角度主要从加强调查研究、加强培训者的培训、实现培训模式的多样化、加强培训后的追踪管理、降低培训班级规模等五个方面进行了对策性建议。最后从教师的角度进行对策分析,认为教师是培训的主体,教师应从培训的权利、培训的主动性、培训的系统计划等方面加强主人翁意识,使外在培训转为内在需求。 幼儿园教师职后培训不只是幼儿园的事情,它是集社会、机构、教师于一体的系统工程,需要全社会的共同努力,从教师这一主体出发,实现幼儿园教师职后培训水平的提高,使培训不仅收到良好的经济效益,更能收到良好的社会效益,使教师的素质和水平得到切合实际的发展和提高,真正实现幼儿园教师职后培训朝着人性化方向转型。
[Abstract]:Post-service training of kindergarten teachers is the reform of preschool education and the social necessity of lifelong education, which is directly related to the development of the whole preschool education. On the basis of existing research, this paper examines the problem of post-service training of kindergarten teachers from the perspective of humanism theory, and constructs the value orientation of post-service training of kindergarten teachers from the perspective of humanism theory. And from the view of humanism theory, the transformation countermeasures of post-service training of kindergarten teachers are put forward. This paper takes the teachers in Shanxi Province as the research object. In the first chapter, the introduction mainly introduces the question raising and the research design. The second chapter is a literature review of humanism theory and post-service training of kindergarten teachers, and puts forward the humanistic theory of post-service training of kindergarten teachers. The third chapter carries on the humanism analysis to the kindergarten teacher post-service training on the basis of questionnaire and interview. This paper mainly analyzes the basic situation of post-service training of kindergarten teachers, the purpose, content, method, time, evaluation and management of post-service training of kindergarten teachers. On this basis, the fourth chapter analyzes the value orientation of post-service training of kindergarten teachers from the perspective of humanism theory, and systematically expounds the teacher-oriented, emotional and intellectual integration, which is consistent with the needs of teachers. The value orientation of humanism training aiming at teachers' self-realization. On the basis of the above chapters, the fifth chapter puts forward the countermeasures of post-service training of kindergarten teachers from the perspective of humanism. From three aspects of society, institution and teacher, it is proposed that the first step is to strengthen the systematization of training, which is the precondition of people-oriented training, and the second is to create a training environment that the whole society pays attention to. The institutional countermeasures are analyzed from the angle of kindergarten and social training institution, and the countermeasures of kindergarten as the organization and training institution of teachers are discussed, because it is recognized that kindergarten is the main carrier and organizer of teachers' post-service training. From constructing the cultural atmosphere of humanism in kindergarten, realizing the transformation of training paradigm from garden based training to teacher-oriented training, strengthening teachers' needs investigation and carrying out teacher-oriented training planning, strengthening the construction of teachers' training emotion, and realizing the goal of self-realization of training. Strengthen the training effect management and so on six aspects carried on the countermeasure suggestion. From the point of view of social training institution, the author makes some suggestions from five aspects, such as strengthening investigation and research, strengthening the training of trainers, realizing the diversification of training mode, strengthening the tracking management after training, and reducing the size of the training class. Finally, from the perspective of teachers, the author thinks that teachers are the main body of training, and teachers should strengthen their sense of ownership from the aspects of training right, initiative and systematic plan of training, so as to turn external training into internal demand. The post-service training of kindergarten teachers is not only a matter of kindergarten, but also a systematic project that integrates society, institutions and teachers. It needs the joint efforts of the whole society to improve the level of post-service training of kindergarten teachers, starting from the subject of teachers. So that the training can not only receive good economic benefits, but also receive good social benefits, so that the quality and level of teachers can be developed and improved, and the post-service training of kindergarten teachers will be transformed towards humanization.


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3 廉恒鼎;农村寄宿制学校留守儿童的课余活动研究[D];北京邮电大学;2012年




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