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发布时间:2018-05-30 13:40

  本文选题:蒙学 + 蒙学读本 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: 中华民族有着注重启蒙教育的传统,尤其是儿童的启蒙教育。蒙学读本是专为学童编写或选编的,很多传统读本,如《百家姓》、《三字经》、《千字文》、《千家诗》、《幼学琼林》、《四书》、《五经》等,荟萃了前人及那个时代的经典之作,构成了相当完整的知识体系、思想体系、价值体系和艺术体系。 本文在仔细梳理古代蒙学读本和相关研究成果的基础上,分别就蒙学的内涵、蒙学读本发展概况、蒙学读本的编写、内容等方面进行了全面系统的分析,初步构建了研究本课题的框架体系。 中国古代称少年儿童启蒙教育为“童蒙教育”或“蒙养教育”,所以在很早的时候就有“蒙以养正”或“养正于蒙”的说法,就是当儿童智慧蒙开之际及时施以正当的教育,或者说,用正当的教育启迪儿童使之健康成长。 长时间的历史发展中,蒙学读本随着时代历史条件的演变而不断变化,但在其基本内容、形式和风格上保持了以一贯之,连续性、稳定性强,这就必然有助于建立起人们对读本的信任感,从而更进一步加强了它的影响。 最早产生的蒙学读本是字书,蒙学的第一阶段是识字,传统作法是集中识字,集中识字的通行读本是“三、百、千”(即《三字经》、《百家姓》、《千字文》)。用较短的时间教儿童集中地认识两千来字,,然后逐步教他们读书,千百年来,前人一直采用这个办法,不肯放弃。这是依据汉语汉字的特点(字形不能直接地表示读音;字形可以分析;书面语言滞后于口头语言)总结出一个有效的作法,由此决定了集中识字阶段认、讲、写、用的步骤及相互关系。 韵语知识读物是古代蒙学读本中数量最大的。教过“三、百、千”之后,需要采取某种办法,来巩固集中识字的成果,进一步扩充识字的范围,为下一步读写训练打下基础。同时,学过“三、百、千”的八九岁的儿童,知识渐开,生活的范围渐广,性格品德的发展成长很快,需要向儿童讲洒扫应退、修身力学、为人处世的道理和规矩的。从韵语知识读物编写和学塾的用法来看,它的作用是把巩固识字、扩充识字的需要和进行封建思想教育,知识教育的需要结合起来,是“三、百、千”向“四书五经”的过渡。在古代,书面语言两汉之后就基本上定型,口头语言则一刻不停地变化,距离越拉越远,形成了一条鸿沟。从“三、百、千”到蒙求、类蒙求,基本上都是用文言的,灵活地运用三言和四言韵语把文言的各种基本结构表现出来。一两年或两三年下来,儿童们耳濡目染,有“谐于唇吻”“便于记忆”特点和“熟读成诵”要求,自然而然地养成了一些文言习惯,缩短了文言与口语千百年的距离。因此,韵语知识读物是跨越白话、文言那条鸿沟的桥梁。 古代蒙学在集中识字和进一步识字之后,就要进入以读写训练为主的阶段,在这个阶段,开始教学生读《四书》《五经》。《四书》《五经》是中国传统文化的基本读本,是统治中国传统文化的思想经典,朱熹的《四书集注》是重点,并不是因为朱熹的《四书集注》比别的高明,而是它的不可比拟的文化地位,是古代士子的应试教科书,更是中国传统文化的思想源泉,其影响是深入骨髓的。配合读经,教学生阅读简短的散文故事和浅显的诗歌,教学生属对等浅近的文字、音韵知识。爱听故事,是儿童的特点;爱大声讽读,也是儿童的一个特点,儿童认字后,读些散文故事,读些优美而浅近的诗歌,是唐宋以来一直实行的办法,后来逐渐成了蒙学中一个固定的教学内容。教儿童属对,最初大概是以学作骈文和学作近体诗为目的的,发展到后来,属对成了蒙学的一种必修课程,这不仅是作文的开始,也是作诗的基础。 总之,蒙学读本是专为学童编写或选编的,是我国教育史上珍贵的遗产。对千百年来的文化遗产进行“披沙拣金”的工作,总结和研究传统蒙学的教学理论、经验,对提高和改造我们的启蒙教育(家庭教育、基础教育),大有裨益。
[Abstract]:The Chinese nation has a tradition of paying attention to the enlightenment education, especially the enlightenment education for children. The Mongolian reading books are specially compiled or selected for the schoolchildren. Many traditional books, such as the hundred family names, the three characters, the thousand characters, the thousand poems, the young studies Qiong Lin, the four books and the five classics, have a fairly complete collection of the classics of the predecessors and the times. Knowledge system, ideological system, value system and art system.
On the basis of carefully combing the ancient Mongolian reading books and related research achievements, this paper makes a comprehensive and systematic analysis on the connotation of the Mongolian, the development of the Mongolian reading books, the compilation of the reading books and the contents of the Mongolian books, and preliminarily constructs a framework for the study of the subject.
In ancient China, the enlightening education of children and children was called "the education of children and Mongolia" or "Mongolian education". So in the early days, there was a saying "to raise the right" or "to raise the health of the Mongolia". It is to give proper education in time when the children's wisdom is opened, or to enlighten children with proper education to make them grow healthily.
In the long history of historical development, the Mongolian reading books have changed with the historical conditions of the times, but in their basic content, form and style, they maintain a consistent, continuous and strong stability. This will certainly help to establish a sense of trust for reading books, and further strengthen its influence.
The first Mongolian reading book is a word book. The first stage of the Mongolian learning is literacy. The traditional practice is to concentrate on the literate. The popular reading book is "three, 100, thousand" (i.e. < three characters >, < hundred family name >, < thousand words >). This method is not willing to give up. It is based on the characteristics of Chinese characters (the characters can not be directly expressed in pronunciation; the shape can be analyzed; the written language is lagging behind the oral language) to sum up an effective method, which determines the steps and relationships in the stage of recognition, speaking, writing, using, and using.
After teaching "three, 100, and thousand", it is necessary to adopt some measures to consolidate the achievements of the centralized literacy, expand the scope of literacy, and lay the foundation for the next reading and writing training. At the same time, the eight or nine year old children who have learned "three, 100, 000" have gradually opened up their knowledge and the scope of life is gradually wide, The development and development of character morality is very fast. It is necessary to speak to children to retreat, to repair body mechanics, to be a human being. From the writing of rhyme knowledge reading materials and the usage of school, the function of it is to consolidate literacy, expand the needs of literacy and carry out feudal ideological education, and to combine the needs of knowledge education, which is "three, 100, 000". The transition to the "four books and the five classics". In ancient times, the written language was basically stereotyped after the two Han Dynasties. The oral language was constantly changing and the distance pulled farther and farther, forming a gap. From "three, 100, thousand" to the Mongolian, the class was basically used in classical Chinese and used the three words and the four language rhymes flexibly to form the basic structural tables of classical Chinese. After one or two or two or three years, children are exposed to the characteristics of "easy to lip kiss", "easy to remember" and "read recite", and naturally develop some classical Chinese habits and shorten the distance between classical Chinese and spoken English for thousands of years. Therefore, the rhyme knowledge reading is a bridge across the vernacular and the classical Chinese gap.
In this stage, the ancient Mongolian learning to read and write further and further read the word, at this stage, he began to teach the students to read the Four Books > the five classics > the five classics > the five classics > the five classics, the basic reading of Chinese traditional culture, the ideological classics of the Chinese traditional culture, and the focus of Zhu Xi's "four books", not because of Zhu Xi's The unparalleled cultural status of the "four books", but its unparalleled cultural status, is a test textbook for ancient scholars and a source of Chinese traditional culture. Its influence is deep into the bone marrow. With reading classics, students can teach students to read short prose stories and shallow poems, and teach students to be equivalent to simple words, phonological knowledge, and listening to stories. It is a characteristic of children; love to read aloud is a characteristic of children. After children recognize words, reading prose stories and reading beautiful and shallow poetry is a method that has been practiced since the Tang and Song dynasties. Later, it gradually became a fixed teaching content in the Mongolian learning. Later, it became a compulsory course for Mongolian studies. This is not only the beginning of composition, but also the foundation of poetry.
In a word, the Mongolian reading book is written or selected for schoolchildren. It is a precious heritage in the history of education in China. The work of "picking sand and picking gold" for thousands of years of cultural heritage, summarizing and studying the teaching theory and experience of traditional Mongolian learning, is of great benefit to the improvement and transformation of our enlightenment education (family education, basic education).


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1 孙晓晨;蒙学教材《幼学琼林》研究[D];东北师范大学;2011年

2 李少博;中国古代经典童蒙读物中的诗意教育[D];陕西师范大学;2009年

3 卢永芳;古代蒙学教材《三字经》研究[D];四川师范大学;2010年




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