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发布时间:2018-05-31 19:55

  本文选题:幼儿园 + 科学 ; 参考:《西南大学》2008年博士论文

【摘要】: 上个世纪70年代以来,研究者意识到课程实施过程的重要性,开始将注意力从课程设计转移到课程实施上来。而课程实施的研究最为关心的是课程在实践中的表现和命运。 2001年教育部颁布了《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》,在新的课程理念的指导下将幼儿园的课程划分为健康、语言、社会、科学、艺术等五个领域,并交由幼儿园实施。但是目前非常缺乏关于该课程文件在实践中是如何被实施的研究。为了深入了解实施现状,发现实施中存在的问题,为改进课程设计提供依据和建议,本论文试图从科学领域的课程入手来研究幼儿园是如何实施正式课程的。 在整理分析课程实施相关文献的基础上,本论文形成了理论假设和研究框架:幼儿教师是幼儿园实施科学领域课程的主体和关键人物;教师实施科学领域课程是在幼儿园既往科学领域课程及其实施所构筑的基础上进行的;教师会在自己所持课程取向的作用下去理解正式课程,并在理解的基础上对课程要素做出处理。基于上述认识,本研究主要探讨以下几个方面的问题:幼儿园科学领域课程实施的历史经验基础;幼儿教师的科学课程取向;幼儿教师对于科学领域正式课程的理解;幼儿教师对科学领域课程要素的处理;影响幼儿教师实施科学领域课程的因素。 本研究通过查阅、整理分析文献,将我国幼儿园科学领域课程发展和实施划分为混沌状态、整个的、分科的和综合的四个阶段,并总结了每个阶段的特点;然后自行设计了具有较高信度和效度的幼儿园科学领域课程实施问卷,对来自不同性质、不同级别幼儿园的428位幼儿教师进行了问卷调查,以了解幼儿教师的科学课程取向、幼儿教师对于科学领域正式课程的理解状况以及教师在实施课程的过程中是如何处理课程要素的,了解影响幼儿教师实施科学领域课程的因素。 通过对调查问卷结果的统计分析,得到以下结论:人本主义的科学课程取向在幼儿教师的科学课程取向中居于核心地位,支配着幼儿教师对于科学领域课程的实施;教师对于正式课程的理解比较接近正式课程的原意;教师理解课程的行为主要是凋整建构,而不是补充反思和联想概括;教师采用人本主义的处理方式来处理科学课程的要素——目标、内容、教学和评价;教师的课程取向和教师对于正式课程的理解可以很好地预测教师对于课程要素的处理;影响教师实施科学领域课程的主要因素是领导因素和教师能力因素。 根据研究的结果,研究者提出以下改进幼儿园科学领域课程实施的建议:更新幼儿园课程设计的理念;通过多种方式促进教师对于正式课程的理解;强化幼儿园园长对于科学领域课程实施的领导;在综合科学课程的视野下更新幼儿教师专业发展课程。
[Abstract]:Since the 70s of last century, researchers have realized the importance of the course implementation process and began to shift attention from curriculum design to curriculum implementation. The research of curriculum implementation is the most concerned about the performance and fate of the curriculum in practice.
In 2001, the Ministry of Education promulgated the guidelines for Kindergarten Education (Trial). Under the guidance of the new curriculum concept, the kindergarten curriculum was divided into five fields, such as health, language, society, science, and art. However, there was a lack of research on how the course documents were implemented in practice. To understand the current situation and to find out the existing problems in the implementation, to provide the basis and suggestions for the improvement of the curriculum design, this paper tries to study how kindergartens implement formal courses from the science field.
On the basis of the relevant literature of the implementation of the analysis of the curriculum, the thesis has formed a theoretical hypothesis and a research framework: preschool teachers are the main subjects and key figures in the implementation of the science curriculum in the kindergarten; the curriculum for the implementation of Science in the field of science is based on the curriculum and implementation of the previous Science in the kindergarten. On the basis of the above understanding, this study mainly discusses the following aspects: the historical experience foundation of the implementation of the curriculum in the kindergarten science field, the science curriculum of preschool teachers, and the preschool teachers in the field of science. The understanding of curriculum; the treatment of preschool teachers' curriculum elements in science; and the factors that affect preschool teachers' implementation of science curriculum.
Through consulting and sorting out the literature, this study divides the curriculum development and implementation of the science field of our country into chaos, the whole, the division and the comprehensive four stages, and summarizes the characteristics of each stage, and then designs a questionnaire with higher reliability and validity in the kindergarten science field. In order to understand the science curriculum orientation of preschool teachers, the understanding of preschool teachers' understanding of the formal curriculum in the field of science and how the teachers handle the course elements in the course of the curriculum, the factors that affect the implementation of the science curriculum in the kindergarten teachers are investigated by 428 kindergarten teachers at different levels.
Through the statistical analysis of the results of the questionnaire, we get the following conclusion: the orientation of humanistic science curriculum is in the core position in the science curriculum of preschool teachers, dominates the implementation of preschool teachers' Curriculum in the field of science; teachers' understanding of formal curriculum is closer to the original meaning of the formal curriculum; teachers understand the course of the curriculum. It is mainly the withering construction, not the supplementary reflection and the association summary; the teacher uses the humanistic approach to deal with the elements of the science curriculum: the objective, the content, the teaching and the evaluation; the teacher's curriculum orientation and the teacher's understanding of the formal curriculum can well predict the teacher's handling of the course elements; influence the teacher's implementation. The main factors in the field of science are leadership and teacher competence.
According to the results of the study, the researchers put forward the following suggestions to improve the implementation of the kindergarten science curriculum: renewing the concept of kindergarten curriculum design; promoting teachers' understanding of the formal curriculum through a variety of ways; strengthening the leadership of the kindergarten chief for the implementation of the curriculum in the field of science; and updating preschool teachers from the perspective of the comprehensive science curriculum. Professional development course.


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